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Adult Education: GED, HSED, ELL

What is Adult Education?

Adult Education is made up of multiple programs that serve adults ages 18-65+ who are seeking to improve their academic skills to obtain or improve their employment, earn a high school credential (GED/HSED), and prepare for college. Students may also work to improve their English language skills and get assistance with their college courses.

Earn a High School Credential (GED/HSED)

Earn your GED or HSED.

Improve English Language Skills (ELL)

Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening

Prep for College

Improve college-level reading, writing and math skills.

Get Help with College Coursework

Get homework help for college-level courses.

Peter Snyder

Associate Dean of Adult Education


Jamie Russell

Administrative Assistant of Adult Education


Earn your GED. Move forward in your career.

Annual increase in income with high school credential
Annual increase in income with an associate degree
Percentage of all jobs in the U.S. for those with a high school credential

*Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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