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  11. Facilities


The Moraine Park District Board strongly believes that the College should serve the community to the fullest extent possible.  Moraine Park may make facilities available to external groups, organizations or individuals providing the facilities are available and the activities do not conflict with the mission of the College.

Wheeled Devices

Skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, bicycles, and similar devices are not permitted for use inside MPTC buildings. Additionally, bicycles, skateboards, roller blades and other similar wheeled items may not be ridden on railings, curbs, benches, or any such fixtures that may be damaged by these activities.  Individuals may be liable for damage to MPTC property caused by these activities.

This does not include wheeled devices to assist individuals with mobility related impairments or disabilities, such as wheelchairs, scooters and walkers.

Unmanned Aircraft System and Hover Boards

Operation of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) is prohibited over College property by students, employees, vendors, contractors and other members of the public except with prior written approval from the Vice President – Finance and Administration. Permission to operate a UAS over College property will only be granted to MPTC departments needing to operate a UAS for the benefit of the College. Any MPTC department interested in obtaining a UAS ,ust contact the Vice President – Finance and Administration and receive written approval prior to purchase. A UAS includes drones, model aircraft and similar systems. Hover boards and similar devices are not permitted for use on any MPTC property.

Alcohol/Drug Free Campus

MPTC is committed to maintaining an alcohol and drug free learning environment. The MPTC District Board, administration and staff recognize that the abuse of alcohol and/or other drugs interferes with a person’s ability to learn and work and increases the risk of accidents and serious health problems.

To ensure a safe and effective learning environment, the possession, use, sale, manufacture, or purchase of alcohol or controlled substances on College property or as any part of College activities (on or off campus), is strictly prohibited. All students are prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances while on College property, while conducting College business, or receiving instruction. The District allows the dispensing of wine and beer for instructional purposes or at District special events approved by the President or their designee. Exceptions may be made by the President or their designee only.

Student seeking assistance dealing with alcohol or other substance use/abuse are encouraged to use resources available to them such as referral to an MPTC Counselor or outside agency.

MPTC and the Wisconsin Technical College System Board policy fobid the expenditure of tax dollars and/or student activity fees for alcoholic beverages. The advertising of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on College property and in College publications. This procedure is adopted in accordance with the Drug Free Schools and Community Acts (amendments) of 1989 (Federal law 101-226).

Any student breaches relating to alcohol or drugs will be forwarded to the Student Development Manager as a student conduct code violation.

Tobacco-Free College

Moraine Park Technical College is strongly committed to maintaining and improving the health and well-being of all employees and customers. This policy is designed to create a healthier environment for everyone who comes to Moraine Park Technical College to study, work, or visit and complies with the State of Wisconsin law.

A tobacco-free college prohibits the use of all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. No tobacco usage is allowed on the premises (buildings, grounds, sidewalks, streets, parking lots, and structures) or in college owned or leased vehicles. There are no smoking shelters or designated locations for students to use tobacco. Individuals may use tobacco in their personal vehicles; however, disposal of cigarette butts, smoking materials, or garbage on campus grounds is strictly prohibited.

Tobacco Cessation Assistance/Resources

To the extent feasible, and utilizing available college and community resources listed below, Moraine Park Technical College will encourage all students to choose a healthful, non-tobacco use/non-smoking way of life. Emphasis will be placed on educating and referring students to available resources/services that provide tobacco cessation assistance.

The following tobacco cessation programs and resources are available:

  • Fond du Lac County Health Department (920-929-3085)
  • Washington County Health Department (262-335-4462)
  • Dodge County Human Services and Health Department (920-386-3500)
  • Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line (www.WiQuitLine.org or 1-800-QUIT-NOW)
  • UW Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention (www.ctri.wisc.edu)
  • American Lung Association’s “Freedom from Smoking” individual online program (www.ffsonline.org)
  • American Cancer Society website (www.cancer.org)


Policy enforcement is the responsibility of all staff and students. Repeated willful and/or documented disregard for the policy by students or visitors may result in disciplinary actions, up to, and including suspension or expulsion from the College. All breaches of this policy will be recorded in writing. Student breaches will be forwarded to the Student Development Manager.

Prohibited Activities

All sales and advertising of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, on college campuses are prohibited. This includes the distribution of samples of tobacco products or coupons redeemable for tobacco products.

The sponsorship of campus events by the tobacco industry or tobacco organizations is prohibited.

Bulletin Boards and Notices

Bulletin boards are located throughout Moraine Park campuses. All bulletin boards are assigned to a responsible individual.

All postings for student bulletin boards must be submitted to the designated campus Student Life specialist for approval and posting.

Outdated, inappropriate, offensive or illegal postings will be removed. No commercial advertising shall be permitted in district buildings or on district grounds or properties without prior approval. Political advertisements/promotions are in violation of Moraine Park’s procedure.


Program students at the Fond du Lac and West Bend campus locations may request a locker assignment at the campus Main Office. For security reasons, locker assignments are permanent for the academic year. Changes in locker assignments are not permitted. Locks are built-in the doors. If a student forgets the combination, he/she may request it from the campus Main Office by providing proper identification.

Beaver Dam campus lockers are not assigned. They are on a first-come, first-served basis; students are responsible for providing their own locks. Lockers are provided by the College for the convenience of the student to be used solely and exclusively for the storage of out garments, footwear and academic related materials. Students with a disability should make their needs known so accommodations to lockers can be made if possible.

Lost and Found

Individuals finding “lost” items should turn in those items to the campus Main Office. Items are kept in a “lost and found” area for 30 days. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the campus Student Services to see if a lost item has been found and returned.


Moraine Park is not responsible or liable for any damage that may occur to vehicles when parked in district lots.

Following these parking guidelines at the Beaver Dam, Fond du Lac and West Bend campuses will prevent your car from being ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

  1. Park in designated stalls only. Stalls are clearly marked and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  2. Do not park in drive areas or along curbs. Roadways and entrances must be kept open for emergencies.
  3. Parking stalls designated as 2-hr. parking shall be reserved for visitors and should not be used by students.
  4. The College will comply with state-mandated parking regulations.
  5. Individuals parking in a restricted area or illegally, will be ticketed by the local police department. Vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense.
  6. There will be no student parking in courtyards.

Exceptions: Vehicles being serviced in the automotive labs in designated areas only.

Noncompliance should be reported to the Security Manager. Repetitive violations by a student will be reported to the Dean of Students and may result in disciplinary action.

All district parking lots have spaces designated for handicap parking. Parking lot maps are available on myMPTC.

Animals Inside Campus Buildings

It is the policy of Moraine Park Technical College (MPTC) that service animals are accepted in all facilities and programs on our campuses. MPTC works to ensure that students with disabilities who have service/ emotional support animals have access to programs and services as entitled to under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). We encourage students to contact a Disability Resource staff member prior to coming to Moraine Park Technical College.

Pets, even if held, are forbidden. Staff should immediately make a violator aware of the policy and ask that the animal be removed at once. Any exception to this policy requires specific permission from the Vice President – Finance and Administration or designee.