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Administration and Faculty

The “Administration and Faculty” page provides information about the educational backgrounds of Moraine Park staff. Visit our “Staff Directory” page for contact information.


Adams, Michele
Occupational Health, Safety and Risk Manager
AAS, State University of New York
BS, Ohio University
MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College
PhD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Alexander, April
Math Instructor
MS, Concordia University Wisconsin
Allar, David
Quality and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Instructor
BS, Capella University
Amerling, Heather
K-12 Partnership Coordinator
MA, Marian University
Anderson, Derek
Fire Protection Technician Instructor
BS, Waldorf University
Atkinson, Ross
Enterprise Applications Administrator
BS, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point


Baerwald, Bonnie
AAS, Wisconsin Lutheran College
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
MPA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Baierl, Hans
Library Services Coordinator
MLS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Barfield, Joan
Criminal Justice/Corrections Instructor
BSE, Marian University
MS, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Barrett, James
Vice President of Student Services
BA, Manhattanville College
MA, Sacred Heart University
Baus, Andrew
Associate Dean of Human Services
BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
MBA, EdD, Concordia University Wisconsin
Begotka, James
Business Management Instructor
MS, Capella University
Bell, Lisa
Accessibility Specialist
BS, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Bergemann, Sarah
Nursing Instructor
MS, Grand Canyon University
Bjork, Anders
Software Architect
Blacklock, Benjamin
Information Technology-Software Developer Instructor
MS, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Bladorn, Aaron
Auxiliary Services Manager
BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Blankenheim, Brian
Economics and Workforce Development Marine Power Equipment Instructor
Marian University
Blessing, Christy
Talent Acquisition Manager
BS, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Blum, Brenda
Graphic Design Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bodart, Triena
Financial Aid Manager
BS, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
MA, University of Iowa
Boenisch, Robert
ABC Carpentry Apprenticeship Instructor
MA, Marian University
Bosch, Cathryn
Nursing Instructor
TD, TD, ADN, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, MSN, Chamberlain College of Nursing
Bouchard, Eileen
Barber/Cosmetology Instructor
DIPL, University Academy of Hair Design
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
Bourland, Dana
Director of College Advancement
BA, Ripon College
Boyle-Gustavus, Jeanette
Electricity Instructor
AAS, APPR, Moraine Park Technical College
Boynton, Mindie
Associate Dean of Customized Training
BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Braesch, Melissa
Senior Talent Development Manager
BBA, MBA, Western Illinois University
Branski, Jonathan
Applications Developer
AAS, Waukesha County Technical College
Buchanan, Kristine
TRIO SSS Manager
BFA, Aquinas College
Buchholz, Jennifer
AAS, University of Wisconsin System
BA, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
MA, Northeastern Illinois University
Bull, Matthew
Economics and Workforce Development CNC Instructor
TD, Waukesha County Technical College
Buytendorp, Lila
Director of End User Experience
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College


Carpenter, Kelly
Instructional Designer
MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Chevalier, Michael
Construction Project Manager
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
Chojnacki, Sarah
Associate Dean of Health Sciences
TD, Nicolet Area Technical College
TD, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
BS, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
MS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Clark, Amy
Advising and Retention Manager
BFA, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
MFA, Jones International University
Clark, Heather
Assistant Registrar
BBA, Marian University
Cohn, Joshua
Maintenance Technician Apprentice Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Collin, Penny
K12 Partnership Coordinator
BS, Marian University
Collins, Cynthia
Leadership and Organizational Development Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
MA, Marian University
Corrente, Francesco
Automotive Technician Instructor
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Coutley, James
Respiratory Therapy Instructor
BS, Cardinal Stritch University
Crimmings, Alexander
Economics and Workforce Development Industrial Maintenance Instructor
APPR, Moraine Park Technical College
Curran, Sara
Nursing Assistant Instructor
ADN, Herzing College


Daniels, James
Automotive Technician Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Davies, Mary
Associate Dean of Credentialed Programming
BS, MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Deacy, Anne
Nursing Assistant Instructor
BSN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
MBA, Cardinal Stritch University
DeMaa, Derek
Systems and Security Engineer
BS, Liberty University
DeMaa, Kimberly
Assistant Financial Aid Manager
BAS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Desiderio, Joseph
Dean of Business, IT and AI Innovation
BS, MBA, Park University
DeVries, Lindsey
Accessibility Specialist
BLS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Dietzler, Luke
Applications Developer
AAS, ITT Technical Institute
Dilling, Julie
Accounting Instructor
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
DPGP, Grand Canyon University
Dobogai, Andrea
Nursing Instructor
BSN, MSN, Marian University
PhD, Concordia University
Dolinar, Jodie
Nursing Assistant Instructor
AS, BS, Cardinal Stritch University
MSN, Grand Canyon University
Doman, Courtney
Payroll Manager
BS, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Doyle, Leanne
Economics and Workforce Professional Development Seminar and Grant Coordinator
MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Dreps, Anja
Respiratory Therapy Instructor
BS, University of Southern Indiana
MS, Boise State University
Dudzinski, Christopher
Business Management Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BBA, Marian University
Dvorak, Ivy
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Instructor
BS, Bellin College of Nursing


Eldridge, Daniel
Welding Instructor
BA, Concordia University Wisconsin
Ewoldt, Melissa
Communications Instructor
BA, MS, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater


Faeh, John
Security Manager
Community College of the Air Force
Falter, Joan
Accounting Instructor
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
MBA, Concordia University Wisconsin
Fisher, Reza
Applications Developer
Flanders, Jason
MS, Winona State University
Fleischmann, Jonathan
Math Instructor
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Flick, Tiffani
Nursing Instructor
MS, Cardinal Stritch University
Forciea, Bruce
Anatomy and Physiology Instructor
BA, Eckerd College
DC, Parker College of Chiropractic
Freund, Tammy
Information Technology-Web Developer and Mobile Applications Instructor
AAS, University of Wisconsin Center-Fond du Lac
BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh


Garofalo, Dominic
Information Technology-Web Developer and Mobile Applications Instructor
AAS, University of Wisconsin Center-Sheboygan
BS, MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College
EdD, American College of Education
Gauerke, Mallory
Learning Technology Manager
BA, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Gerlach, Angela
Economic and Workforce Development Business Development Manager
Geschke, Joshua
Economic and Workforce Development Quality and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Instructor
DIPL, Madison Area Technical College
BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Giacomini, Danyel 
Nursing Instructor
BSN, MSN, Concordia University Wisconsin
Giese-Kent, Jo Ann
Business Analyst Instructor
AAS, University of Wisconsin Center-Fond du Lac
BBA, MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Gilson, Ashley
Nursing Instructor
MS, Concordia University, Wisconsin
Grunst, Margaret
Adult Education/English Language Learning Instructor
BSEd, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Gruss, Jeffery
Criminal Justice/Corrections Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
MS, American Public University
Guillette, Kyle
Paramedic Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh


Haas, Donna
Purchasing Manager
Haensgen, Kristina
Communications and Content Manager
BA, Lakeland University
MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Hall, JoAnn
Dean of Economic and Workforce Development
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
MBA, University of Phoenix
Hamm, Douglas
Vice President of Teaching and Learning
BA, Illinois Wesleyan University
MBA, Illinois State University
PhD, University of the Cumberlands
Harmsen, Amy
Business Technology and Software Applications Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College
MA, Marian University
Harn, Teresa
MA, Lakeland University
Hayes, Emily
Associate Dean of General Education
BS, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
MA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Heilmeier, Steve
Applications Developer
BS, Herzing College
Hendryx, Jennifer
Teaching and Learning Innovation Manager
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, MS, EdD, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Henschel, Angela
Science Instructor
BA, Lakeland University
PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin
Henschel, Ryan
Electrical Power Distribution Instructor
Chippewa Valley Technical College
Hensel, Amy
Nursing Instructor
MSN, Rasmussen College
Herrera, April
Nursing Instructor
BN, Marian University
MSN, Grand Canyon University
Herriges, Erika
Medical Assistant Instructor
BSN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Herrmann, Jennifer
Medical Assistant Instructor
BS, Western Governors University
Hess, Kimberly
Student Finance Manager
BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Hill, Benjamin
Facilities Operations Manager
AAS, Lakeshore Technical College
Hokenson, James
CNC/Tool and Die Technologies Instructor
AAS, APPR, Moraine Park Technical College
Holte, Lane
Associate Vice President of Academic Operations
AA, Dawson Community College
BS, Dickinson State University
MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Horton, Matthew
Instructional Technology Manager
BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Horvath, Stephen
Associate Dean of Trades and Apprenticeships
BS, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
MS, University of Wisconsin-Superior
MEd, DePaul University
Huberty, Shannon
Adult Education Instructor
BA, Marian University
MA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Hughes, Kathleen
Associate Dean of Health
PhD, Concordia University Wisconsin


Irish, Jennifer
Early Childhood Education Instructor
MA, Cardinal Stritch University


Jaber, Jill
Corrections Manager
BS, MSL, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Jacob, Pamela
Nursing Assistant Instructor
ADN, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, Southern Illinois University
Jacobson, Amy
Adult Education/English Language Learning Instructor
MA, Southern Illinois University
Jacques, Danielle
Barber/Cosmetology Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
Jelinek, Jaclyn
Executive Assistant-President’s Office
Jensen, Paul
Economic and Workforce Development Welding Instructor


Karpinski, Kelli
Economics and Workforce Development Business Development Manager
MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Kelly, Matthew
Information Technology-Cybersecurity Instructor
BA, Ripon College
MBA, Cardinal Stritch University
Kilgas, Gregory
Business Analyst
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Klostermann, Dwane
Medical Laboratory Technician Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
MS, Marquette University
Komoroski, Kelly
Economics and Workforce Development Welding Instructor
TD, Lakeshore Technical College
Konkol, Luke
Curricular Systems Coordinator
MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Kostrewa, Nicole
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Instructor
BS, Bellin College of Nursing
Kozlowski, Kristin
Assistant Advising Manager
Kubichka, Nicole
Grant Accountant
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Kuhaupt, Christine
Software Asset and IT Administration Manager
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, Ottawa University
Kuszynski, Becky
Disability Resources Manager
MA, Cardinal Stritch University
Kutz, Carrie
Paralegal Instructor
BA, Cardinal Stritch University
MS, Concordia University Wisconsin


Laabs, Tiffany
Medical Assistant Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Lang, Jennifer
Adult Education/English Learning Language Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
MA, Cardinal Stritch University
Lanting, Lisa
Instructional Designer
MS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Laster, Leslie
Director of Diversity, Accessibility and Support Services
BA, MA, Lakeland University
Laubenstein, Margaret
Nursing Instructor
MSN, Rasmussen College
Leichtfuss, Rebecca
Social Science Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
MA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
PhD, Marquette University
Leigh, Randall
Enterprise Applications Manager
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BA, Lakeland University
Lepianka, Julie
Nursing Instructor
MSN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Letourneau, Laura
Nursing Assistant Instructor
BSN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Lisko, Kimberly
Nursing Instructor
BS, Grand Canyon University
Logan, Stephen
Gas Utility Construction and Service Technician Instructor
BA, Concordia University Wisconsin
Look, Katie
BA, Concordia University Wisconsin
MS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Loomans, Jason
Manager of Network Engineering
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, Franklin University


Madison, Gloria
Health Information Technology Instructor
BS, MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Magnowski, Trevor
Medical Laboratory Technician Instructor
BS, Austin Peay State University
MS, Lakeland University
Mallas, Krista
Human Resources Coordinator
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Mand, Bobbi
Adult Education Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Manning, Jenny
Business Analyst
AAS, Milwaukee Area Technical College
BSBAD, Cardinal Stritch University
Marquardt, Lynn
Registrar and Enrollment Services Manager
BS, MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Marquez, Roy
Director of Facilities
BS, DeVry University-Milwaukee
Matteson, Jennifer
Business Technology and Software Applications Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BA, Marian University
MBA, Southern New Hampshire University
Mattingly, Alicia
Development Officer – College Advancement
BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Maurer, Jeremy
Accounting Instructor
BS, Winona State University
MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
May, Margaret
Math Instructor
BS, Marian University
MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Mayrose, Julie
Grants Coordinator
MA, Oakland University
EdD, Drake University
McCain, Laurence
Assessment Coordinator
MA, Marian University
McCarthy, Corine
Instructional Designer
MS, Clemson University
MS, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
McClyman, Jennifer
Communications Instructor
MA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
McClyman, Kristen
Senior Talent Manager
MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
McCreary, Beth
AVP Talent and Culture
BS, MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
McLean, Elizabeth
Health and Wellness Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
DC, Palmer College of Chiropractic
Meihack, Annette
Adult Education Instructor
BSEd, Marian University
Mendoza Herrera, Esteban
Economic and Workforce Development Welding Instructor
AAS, Fox Valley Technical College
Mengert, Michele
Nursing Instructor
BSN, MSN, Marian University
DNP, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Miller, Charles
Economic and Workforce Development Truck Driving Instructor
BFA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Mueller, Kathy
Adult Education Instructor
AA, University of Wisconsin Center-Fox Valley
BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Mulder, David
Electrician Apprentice Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
Mullane, Rebecca
Communications Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
MA, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Murre Wolf, Stephanie
Business Technology and Software Applications Instructor
BA, Alverno College
MS, Grand Canyon University


Niedfeldt, Kevin
HVAC-R Instructor
AAS, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Niemuth, Troy
Economics and Workforce Development CNC Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
Ninmer, Sarah
Marketing and Social Media Management Instructor
BA, Lakeland University
MS, Purdue University Global


Olig, Lisa
Accessibility Specialist
MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Oliva, Iolanda
Social Science Instructor
BA, MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Olson, Amy
Nursing Instructor
MSN, Clarke College
Olson, James
Architectural Technology Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College


Pagel, Heather
Math Instructor
MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Pahlow, Daniel
Economics and Workforce Development Leadership Instructor
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Superior
BSBAD, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
MA, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College
Paruch, Ryan
Science Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
MA, Purdue University Global
Paul, Aaron
Fire Training Instructor
AAS (2), Moraine Park Technical College
BBA, Marian University
MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College
Phillips, Michael
Network Administrator
Pickart, Benjamin
Systems and Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
BA, Ripon College
Plamann, Larry
Director of Enterprise Infrastructure
AAS, Fox Valley Technical College
Pluim, Abby
Economic and Workforce Development
Bootcamps Project Manager
BS, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Pollard, Lisa
Dean of the Beaver Dam Campus
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College
Potts, Mandy
Director of Marketing and Communication
BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
MPA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Potula, Subhash
Database Administrator
MSE, Wayne State University
Putzer, Bart
Creative Services Manager
BFA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh


Quackenboss, Jeffrey
Mechanical Design Technology Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College


Redeker, Elizabeth
Adult Education Instructor
MA, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Reed, Gregory
Curriculum Coordinator
MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Repp-Butzke, Nicole
Nursing Instructor
BSN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
MSN, Marian University
Resch, Karli
Human Resources Generalist
BS, Marian University
Rettler, Peter
Dean of the West Bend Campus
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College
Rhode, Sara
Substance Use Disorders Counseling Instructor
MSW, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Rice, Fredrick 
Associate Vice President of Academics
AAS, Bay De Noc Community College
BBA, Marian University
MBA, Cardinal Stritch University
PhD, Indiana State University
Richards, Gerald
Chief Information Officer
BS, University of Wisconsin-Superior
Roberts, Brittney
Radiography Instructor
MS, Marian University
Roehl, Beth
K-12 Partnership Manager
BA, Marquette University
Roehl, Thomas
Quality and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College
Roettger, Susan 
Economics and Workforce Development Leadership Instructor
MS, Northern Illinois University
Ruedinger, Jeffrey
Information Technology-Network Specialist Instructor
MS, Marian University
Rusch, Bethany
Vice President of Finance and Administration
MSW, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Russell, Robin
CRM System Coordinator
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
Rymer, Mark
Electrician Apprentice Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
APPR, Milwaukee Area Technical College


Sabel, Jennifer
Institutional Effectiveness Data Analyst
MA, Edgewood College
St. John, Ryan
Water Quality Instructor
AAS, Bay De Noc Community College
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
Sankey, Paola
Housekeeping Supervisor
Schatz, Christopher
Dean of Health and Human Services
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, MS, Marian University
EdD, Edgewood College
Schlagel, Kelvin
Electrical Power Distribution Instructor
TD, Moraine Park Technical College
Schmidt, Angela
BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
MS, Concordia University Wisconsin
Lucas Schmidt
Applications Development Manager
BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Schmitt, Stacy
Nursing Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
MS, Grand Canyon University
Schneider, Kylee
Talent Acquisition Coordinator
BBA, Marian University
Schnettler, Scott
Marine Power Equipment Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
Schoeller, Kelly
Anatomy and Physiology Instructor
BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
DC, Palmer College of Chiropractic
Scholten, Jason
Electromechanical Technology Instructor
AAS, Lakeshore Technical College
Schoonover, Jennifer
Information Technology-Technical Support Specialist Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
MA, Marian University
Schrankler, Anne
Early Childhood Education Instructor
BEd, Carroll College
MS, Concordia University Wisconsin
Schreiber, Michael
Manager of Virtualization and Desktop Support Services
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
Schuh, Deborah
Adult Education Instructor
BS, Martin Luther College
MEd, Arizona State University
Schwamn, Kim
Director of Student Development
BEd, Council for National Academic Awards
MEd, University of Wales
Schwanz, Craig
Economic and Workforce Development Industrial Maintenance Instructor
AAS, Milwaukee Area Technical College
Schwobe, David
Electricity Instructor
MS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Scott, Stephanie
Health Information Technology Instructor
AAS, Gateway Technical College
AAS, Milwaukee Area Technical College
BS, University of Cincinnati
MS, University of Illinois at Chicago
Sexton, Nicole
Surgical Technology Instructor
BS, Northern Michigan University
Seidel, Craig
CNC/Tool and Die Technologies Instructor
TD, AAS, APPR, Moraine Park Technical College
Seidl, Nicole
Web Content Specialist
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Shulman, Tirza
Social Science Instructor
BA, Reed College
MS, PhD, Kansas State University
Simmers, James
Culinary Arts Instructor
BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Snyder, Peter
Associate Dean of Adult Education
BA, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire
MEd, Arizona State University
Springborn, Stephanie
BJA Grant Coordinator
MS, Northeastern Illinois University
Stanley, Susie
Social Science Instructor
MFA, Cardinal Stritch University
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Stark, Michelle
Director of Enterprise Systems
AAS, Waukesha County Technical College
Stegeman, Ali
Total Rewards Coordinator
BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Stevens, Matthew
Mechanical Design Technology Instructor
MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Stilwill, Marla
Human Resources Instructor
BBA, MS, Marian University
Stout, Brian
Associate Dean of Manufacturing and Integrated Technologies
BA, Ripon College
MBA, Western International University
MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
EdS, EdD, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Stueber, Jeffrey
Business Management Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College
MA, Marian University
Sutfin, Breana
Nursing Instructor
MSN, Walden University


Taake, Robert
Paramedic Instructor
AAS, Fox Valley Technical College
Ternes, Jeffrey
CNC/Tool and Die Technologies Instructor
TD, Moraine Park Technical College
Theisen, Kristen
Total Rewards Manager
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Thurin, Joseph
CNC/Tool and Die Technologies Instructor
TD, Waukesha County Technical College
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
Troedel, Scott
Manager of Data Security and Systems Engineer
BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Truse, Casey
Nursing Instructor
BSN, Marian University
MSN, Concordia University Wisconsin
Tyznik, Amy
Nursing Instructor
MS, Cardinal Stritch University



VandeSlunt, Katie
Recruitment and Admissions Manager
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BBA, Marian University
Vang, Chue
Senior Applications Developer
MS, Boston University
Vue, Koecher
Business Analyst
BA, Lakeland University


Wakefield, Joshua
Desktop Engineer
Waldvogel-Leitner, Julie
Director of Enrollment Management
BA, Ripon College
MLS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
EdD, Bay Path College
Wamsley, Mark
Electricity Instructor
AAS, DIPL, Moraine Park Technical College
Ward, Thomas
Interactive Media Design Instructor
CERT, Sheridan College-Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Warnecke, Jacquelyn
Institutional Effectiveness Research Analyst
BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
MS, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Waurio, Laura
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning
BS, St. Norbert College
MS, Cardinal Stritch University
Weber, Rachel
Accommodation Specialist
BS, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire
MA, Lakeland University
Weiss, Stanley
Economic and Workforce Development Truck Driving Instructor
Wendt, Tara
Director of Finance
BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Wiedmeyer, Amy
Instructional Designer
BS, MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Wille, Adrian
Digital Marketing Manager
BA, MA, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg
MBA, University of Oregon


Yoon, Elizabeth 
Science Instructor
BS, Carleton College
MS, Oregon State University


Zimdahl, Thomas
Accounting Instructor
AAS, Moraine Park Technical College
BBA, MS, Marian University
Zoschke, Daniel
Economic and Workforce Development Welding Instructor
Zwicky, Jamie
Nursing Instructor
MSN, Concordia University Wisconsin
EdD, Liberty University
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