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Campus Closings

At Moraine Park, we are committed to the safety of our students and employees. When inclement weather requires the College to close, we must relay messages quickly and effectively.

In the case of inclement weather, the Vice President of Teaching and Learning will determine if the College will be closed and/or classes canceled.

Decisions are made by approximately 5:30 a.m. if conditions are present in the morning. If the college closes in the morning, all evening classes are also canceled.

If inclement weather conditions develop later in the day, decisions for evening classes will be made by 2:00 p.m.

When the College is closed due to inclement weather, all campuses are closed.

If the campus is not closed, but the weather is questionable, each faculty reserves the right to cancel their class. The faculty will notify the class participants and communicate their expectations.

  1. The easiest and most effective way to receive college closing notifications is by signing up for MPTC Alerts. https://www.getrave.com/login/mptc . This service is only available to current students and employees.
  2. Check the MPTC homepage at morainepark.edu
  3. Call the Moraine Park Weather Emergency Phone Numbers
    • Beaver Dam- 920-887-4555, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS
    • Fond du Lac- 920-924-6600, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS
    • West Bend- 262-335-6000, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS
  4. Watch for email communication from the College or your instructor.
  5. Closings will be broadcast on most local radio and TV stations.

Students and employees should assume that the College is open and classes are continuing as scheduled unless a specific announcement canceling classes is issued.

Faculty should communicate their expectations to students at the beginning of each semester and include those expectations in the syllabus.

For students who are involved with clinicals, internships and other work assignments, please communicate with your instructors and your supervisors on procedures in the event of closures and cancellations.

It is the responsibility of each individual to decide whether to travel. If you are uncomfortable driving and choose to miss class or work, please communicate directly with your instructor or supervisor. Please refer to your syllabus for your instructor’s preferred communication method. There will be no penalty for missing class due to weather; however, you may be required to make up class time or missed class activities planned for this period. We encourage you to ask in advance and be prepared.