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Higher Education Act of 1965

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Financial Aid Requirements

Moraine Park Technical College participates in student financial aid programs. Federal, state, local and private sources of funds are available to students in the form of loans, work-study, grants and scholarship programs.

All students are eligible to apply for financial aid by submitting a federal application.

The financial aid programs are coordinated and managed by Financial Aid Office staff to ensure that the established principles and regulations in the administration of student aid programs are observed.


All students requesting financial aid must file an application with the U.S. Department of Education by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must also agree to complete any related forms and provide other related documentation if required. Application for financial aid must be made for each academic year.

The preferred priority processing date is April 15 for applicants for the upcoming fall semester and October 15 for the upcoming spring semester. Applicants filing after that date will be considered on the basis of funds available and according to date of completed application.


The Department of Education mandates that a staff member who becomes aware that a student and/or parent(s) has purposely misrepresented facts relevant to the student’s financial aid application, or has committed forgery or fraud, must report the situation to the Financial Aid Associate for appropriate follow-up.

If the matter cannot be resolved following investigation, the case must be referred to the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Education or the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS for resolution.


All applications selected by the Central Processing System (CPS) will be verified. In addition, records with inconsistent or questionable responses will be selected by the institution for verification.


All records and conversations between an aid applicant, his/her family and the financial aid staff are confidential and entitled to protection. Information concerning a student’s financial aid record will be protected under the Family Rights of Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.


When a student applies for federal student aid, the information reported on the FAFSA is used to calculate the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The formula used to calculate the EFC is established by law and is used to measure the family’s financial strength based on their income and assets. The EFC is used to determine the student’s eligibility for federal and state student aid.

Financial Aid staff has authority to make individual adjustments to data values according to the regulations provided by the Department of Education. Any changes will be documented in the student’s file with supporting information.


Awards will be offered based on full-time enrollment, unless a student will be graduating in December. The Financial Aid Associate may make exceptions for extenuating circumstances, beyond the student’s control.

Financial aid awards for fall, spring and summer terms will be calculated to provide every student with the most advantageous combination of financial aid funds for which he/she qualifies, subject to availability of funds under the respective programs. Whenever possible, the full need (budget less resources) will be met with grants.

Institutional awards and awards from other sources may not exceed financial aid eligibility. Students receiving aid in excess of their need will receive an adjustment in their aid award. Adequate records shall be maintained to document any changes in the original award.


The College and its employees are prohibited from:

  • Soliciting, accepting, or entering into any agreement in which educational loan lender provides fees, revenue sharing or material benefits to the College in exchange for the College or its employees recommending the lender or its loan products.
  • Entering into an agreement with a lender of education loans for, or solicit or accept from a lender of education loans, any funds that would be allocated or used for opportunity loan pools or any similar arrangements;
  • Soliciting or accepting assistance for call center or financial aid staffing from lender or education loans.
  • Soliciting, accepting, or entering into any agreement in violation of the College policy on student financial aid operations and engaging in conduct that violates the district code of ethics under TCS 6.06 (1), Wis. Adm. Code., or any applicable provisions of Wis. Stats. §19.41, et seq., Code of Ethics for Public Officials and Employees.
  • Receiving compensation or reimbursement from an educational loan lender for any costs incurred as part of participating on an advisory council of the lender.

The College employees are allowed:

  • To participate on an advisory council of an educational loan lender for the purpose of improving services to students.

The College must inform students who apply for financial aid:

  • That the student may use any lender who is eligible to make education loans.
  • Of available federal loans and encourage students to explore and weigh the use of federal loans that are guaranteed, regulated, and may be more advantageous, before pursuing private or alternative loans.

The services and resources of the College and its employees, notwithstanding any other provisions of the College’s policy, may include:

  • Counseling and educational materials for use by students and their families regarding student lender laws, educational loans, financial literacy, debt management and other topics relevant to providing students and their families with financial aid assistance; any such materials must clearly disclose the source of said materials and may not use trademarks, logos, mascots or other symbols associated with the College or that would suggest any district endorsement of the lender or product;
  • Training to College employees regarding student lending laws, education loans, financial literacy, debt management and other topics relevant to providing students and their families with financial aid.


Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) will be awarded to Pell eligible students meeting the additional federal eligibility requirements on a first come, first-served basis. Eligible students enrolled at least half-time will be offered $500 per year ($250 per semester) until funds are depleted.

Federal Work-Study

Federal work-study will be awarded first come, first-served, based per student’s request. Federal work-study will be 150% over-awarded to ensure utilization of the funds.

Students will be hired as a Moraine Park student employee and pay rates will be assessed by Talent Management, based on job responsibilities.  Pay rates begin at $11 per hour and will not exceed minimum pay of Moraine Park employees.

Authorized College employees may request work-study students with the approval of their dean, supervisor or administrator.

Positions may be available in the community at nonprofit organizations or at elementary schools under the America Reads program on a contract basis. The nonprofit organization will be responsible for the local cost that will equal at least the institutional share of the wages. The America Reads program is funded completely by federal funds. Approved requests should be submitted to the Financial Aid Office.


Funds will be disbursed based on Department of Education regulations, state or sponsors requirements and enrollment as of the date of record or date of award, whichever is later. Awards will be paid based on enrollment status as of the date of record (15th calendar day) or as of award date, whichever is later.


A disclosure statement must be sent before or at the same time as the first disbursement of your loan. The disclosure statement informs you, the borrower of the date(s) the loan funds are expected to be disbursed and the anticipated disbursement amounts, and discloses certain loan terms and conditions, such as how the borrower may cancel all or part of the loan, default and repayment issues, and other rights and responsibilities. Review a disclosure statement example.


Section 484 of the Higher Education Act, as amended, requires that in order to receive any federal student aid, a student must maintain satisfactory academic progress. Qualitative (grade) and quantitative (amount of courses completed) progress for purposes of the receipt of student financial assistance (grants, loans and work study) is evaluated every semester. All coursework needs to be started and completed within the applicable aid period (fall, spring or summer). The student’s entire academic history is evaluated to determine whether or not he/she is maintaining satisfactory academic progress. This evaluation is done at the end of each semester or at the time an award is made. This evaluation is not affected by whether or not aid was previously received or whether a student has changed programs. 
The Federal Student Aid program regulations make no provision for the concept of academic amnesty or academic renewal

Satisfactory Progress Standards

Satisfactory academic progress for financial aid is defined as the successful completion of at least 67 percent of all credit courses attempted AND a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. The maximum time frame students may receive federal and state financial aid cannot exceed 150 percent of the number of credits required to earn a degree.

A, B, C, D, and F grades are calculated in a student’s GPA. Grades of W, NR, and I have no effect in GPA calculations, but still count as attempted credits. Refunds to students who withdraw from courses are based on the portion of the course completed at the time of withdrawal, and are assigned one of the following four percentages: 100%, 80%, 60%, or 0%. Credits dropped at 100% or 80% do not affect satisfactory academic progress. However, credits dropped at 60% or 0% do affect both the credits attempted AND GPA requirements. Basic education courses are not counted as credits attempted. Transfer credits or credits attempted in other Moraine Park programs in which the student has not graduated will count toward the student’s overall length of eligibility.

Financial Aid Warning

Financial aid applicants will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for the next semester of enrollment at Moraine Park if their cumulative GPA is below 2.0 or cumulative course completion total is below 67 percent of the cumulative courses attempted. While on Financial Aid Warning, a student may receive financial aid but must be able to meet satisfactory progress for cumulative standards at the end of the warning semester.

Students who meet satisfactory academic progress standards at the end of the semester while on Financial Aid Warning will have their status changed to Good Standing.

If a student is on Financial Aid Warning because of an I (incomplete) grade and later completes the class with a passing grade, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Financial Aid Office to be reevaluated.


If a student is on Financial Aid Warning and does not meet satisfactory academic progress at the end of the Financial Aid Warning semester, the student will be suspended from further receipt of financial aid..

The student will be suspended from financial aid without a Financial Aid Warning semester if they completely withdraw from classes after receiving financial aid or have not earned a degree within 150% of the credits attempted.

A student who has been suspended must pay for future courses on their own until they meet Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements, successfully appeal, or be eligible for an extension. A change of program will not eliminate this suspension.

Extension of Eligibility

The maximum time frame students may receive federal and state financial aid cannot exceed 150 percent of the number of credits required to earn a degree. A student who graduated from a program and pursues another program at the College continues under the 150 percent time frame for the new program. Students in this situation must complete the Extension of Eligibility Appeal Form which can be obtained at Student Services on any campus..

Appeal of Financial Aid Suspension

A student who believes their Financial Aid Suspension is due to extenuating circumstances beyond their control can submit a written appeal. The appeal form can be found online here.

The request must detail the circumstances and must include third party documentation to substantiate the basis of the appeal. The U.S. Department of Education regulations (34 CFR 668.34) state that a student must meet one of the following criteria to appeal suspension from financial aid.

  1. Death of an immediate relative of the student
  2. Injury or illness of the student
  3. Other circumstances that result in undue hardship to the student

Documentation must be provided to substantiate one of the above criteria. Appeals without documentation and/or not meeting one of the criteria will be denied. If the appeal is denied, the student will be notified in writing that the financial aid suspension will remain in place.

The appeal and all documentation will be reviewed by committee. If an appeal is granted, the student will be notified in writing. The student will also be placed on Financial Aid Probation (for one semester) and will be subject to any additional criteria specified in the appeal approval letter. Each student with an approved appeal must enroll in and complete a Careers course in which an Academic Plan for success will be developed. The course and plan must be completed within the first four weeks of the student’s Financial Aid Probation semester. This plan must be maintained until the completion of the student’s program in order to continue to receive financial aid for any further semesters. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Financial Aid office that any conditions of Financial Aid Probation have been met to continue to receive aid. If, at the end of the Financial Aid Probation semester, the student is not meeting the conditions of the Academic Plan or did not finish the Careers course within the first four weeks of the semester, the student will be suspended and ineligible to receive further financial aid at Moraine Park until SAP standards are satisfied.

Course Repeats

Failed courses (F grades) can be repeated twice as long as all other progress standards and institutional requirements continue to be met. However, some course repeats are limited based on program restrictions. Incomplete courses (I grades) cannot be counted in enrollment status if repeated. A student may repeat a previously passed course once while utilizing financial aid at Moraine Park.

Credit for Prior Learning/Transfer Credits

Students receiving or planning to receive financial aid or veterans benefits are required to have any prior education or training reviewed for transfer credits. These credits must be reviewed regardless if the fees for these courses were paid by the student or were funded by Financial Aid, Veterans or any other funding agency. The responsibility for evidence of credits received from other institutions rests upon the student. Consortium transfer credits will be evaluated as Moraine Park credits completed (grade report must be provided) but do not affect GPA.


Students who withdraw will be evaluated for refunds based on any federally mandated refund regulations or donor refund requirements that apply. The rank order refund distribution priority for Title IV programs is based on federal regulations.

An up-to-date internal procedure manual will be maintained by the Financial Aid Office.

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