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2017-2018 Strategic Plan

Innovation 2020 Strategic Plan


Preparing students for success in a diverse and globally connected world.

A college of choice for students, and a strategic partner for business and industry.

Value Statements

  1. Student-Success: We value a responsive and supportive environment providing the rigor and relevance necessary to advance student learning, development and success.
  2. Collaboration: We value collaboration and communication among students, staff and community partners to strengthen our district and communities.
  3. Lifelong Learning: We value learning as a lifelong journey in the pursuit of personal and professional growth.
  4. Innovation: We value innovation and creativity to remain a leader in global technical education.
  5. Integrity: We value fair, honest, respectful and ethical behaviors.
  6. Inclusiveness: We value inclusiveness and respect for all, providing accessible education to diverse learners, including demographic groups historically under-served by higher education. We believe that team work is critical, that each member is important to accomplishing our mission.
  7. Accountability: We value individual and shared responsibility for our actions and ensuring the future of Moraine Park, both academically and fiscally.
  8. Continuous Improvement: We value informed decision-making which promotes sustainability, continuous improvement and effective and efficient use of resources.
  9. Flexibility: We value the ability to remain nimble and able to respond quickly to meet changing student and workforce needs.


Build a supportive culture to make us an employer of choice — the capacity of the College to
implement Innovation 2020 will depend on highly skilled, committed and engaged instructors and
staff. As an increasingly greater number of the College workforce retires, we will need to be able to
recruit and retain top talent. In order to develop and maintain a positive culture and climate, effective
leadership at all levels will be required.


  1. Demonstrate a collaborative and supportive culture.
  2. Plan opportunities for employee development and retention and employee talent acquisition.
  3. Foster a flexible workplace and encourage a healthy lifestyle and work/life balance.

Improve student success through innovative programming, delivery and services — to remain competitive and meet the rapidly changing needs of our diverse student population and employers, the College will need to adopt new methods, create new offerings and offer new approaches to learning.


  1. Foster opportunities for meaningful student engagement.
  2. Create and sustain outstanding experiences throughout the student life cycle.
  3. Develop innovative and integrated solutions to recruit and retain diverse target markets.
  4. Create flexible learning and delivery models to improve student access, engagement and success.

Strengthen our K-16 and community connections — the College prepares students not only for
careers, but for the next level of higher education. This requires coordinated planning and
communication with school districts and communities and expanded relationships with four-year
colleges and universities to enable our students to seamlessly continue their educations.


  1. Foster collaboration and connectivity among business partners, alumni, community agencies
    and Moraine Park to improve promotion, persistence and placement.
  2. Create an inclusive learning environment throughout the K-16 community.
  3. Increase the visibility of MPTC’s impact to the communities we serve.

Advance the efficient and effective use of technology — the College must have contemporary technology and labs and reliable, compatible and intuitive information technology systems to support learning, student services and college processes.


  1. Expand and sustain the use and understanding of available technology to the greater College
  2. Advance emerging technologies to remain competitive and a technological leader.
  3. Use technologies to support data-driven decision making.