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Budget and Financial Overview


The Finance Office handles all finance activity at Moraine Park. This office processes payroll, cash deposits, cash payments, receivables and collections, fixed assets, financial reporting, budgeting, investments, debt management and purchasing.

Annual Budget

Each year, college staff members develop a budget to support the quality programs and services requested by our residents. This budget complies with the standards set by the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) and includes sections on planning, financial data and communications. Moraine Park’s 2024-25 Institutional Plan and Budget is the most recently approved document.

Budget Summary and Trends

The 2024-25 budgeted revenues total $83.2 million and include the following major components for the governmental fund types:

  • Local Property Tax – 29%
  • Federal Aids/Grants – 7%
  • Tuition and Fees – 10%
  • State Aids/Grants – 36%
  • Debt Proceeds – 9%
  • Institutional Revenues – 7%
  • Other Sources – 2%

As noted, the State Aids revenue represents the major source of support for the general operation and capital needs of Moraine Park for 2024-25. In 2014-15, Governor Walker utilized excess state revenues to “buy down” the taxing authority within the Wisconsin Technical College System. As such, the total Moraine Park tax levy for 2014-15 was reduced by $20.4 million and budgeted as additional state aids.  As part of the 2021-2023 biennial State budget, state aids were again increased to reduce tax levy.  The transition was done over a two year period totaling $2.1 million for the college.  The following table documents related trend data:

Tax Year Total Levy % Change Equalized Value % Change Mill Rate Operational Mill Rate Debt Mill Rate Total
2024-25 $23,867,295 1.50 $40,721,708,918 1.00 0.29142 .29468 0.58610
2023-24 $23,527,266 38.00 $40,318,523,681 12.70 0.28590 .29763 0.58353
2022-23 $17,053,191 0.01 $35,785,840,637 13.90 0.30887 .16766 0.47653
2021-22 $16,876,486 (5.48) $31,422,538,027 6.50 0.35887 .17822 0.53709
2020-21 $17,854,530 2.73 $29,500,543,564 4.70 0.41879 .18644 0.60523
2019-20 $17,379,833 2.53 $28,171,001,654 5.65 0.42170 .19524 0.61694
2018-19 $16,951,335 1.41 $26,665,325,247 3.58 0.42945 .20626 0.63571
2017-18 $16,715,975 3.00 $25,744,397,702 4.00 0.43178 .21752 0.64931
2016-17 $16,220,503 0.30 $24,732,390,941 2.74 0.42942 .22642 0.65584
2015-16 $16,171,566 1.30 $24,072,618,133 1.70 0.42669 .24509 0.67178
2014-15 $15,965,042 (56.06) $23,662,930,097 2.20 0.42112 .25356 0.67469
2013-14 $36,337,317 0.53 $23,160,025,338 (1.50) 1.30990 .25907 1.56897
2012-13 $36,147,317 0.56 $23,462,802,763 (3.33) 1.28490 .25572 1.54062
2011-12 $35,947,317 (0.14) $24,272,056,133 (1.83) 1.24206 .23896 1.48102
2010-11 $35,997,317 2.80 $24,725,264,984 (2.16) 1.21929 .23660 1.45589
2009-10 $35,016,845 3.99 $25,270,475,530 1.77 1.15716 .22852 1.38568

The Mill Rate calculation is the ratio of total levy to equalized value multiplied by 1,000. Therefore, a taxpayer with a home valued at $100,000 will pay $58.61 to support Moraine Park for the 2024-25 tax year. This compares to a payment of $58.35 for the previous year – an increase of $0.26.

The 2024-25 budgeted expenditures total $88.1 million and include the following major components for the governmental fund types:

  • Personnel Services – 51%
  • Current Expenses – 19%
  • Debt Service – 15%
  • Capital Projects – 15%

Annual Finance Report

The 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report represents the audited financial statements of the District including the Single Audit Report for federal and state awards. Moraine Park has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association for this report since 1994.

Annual Outcomes Based Funding Report

A portion of the College’s funding is based on specific outcomes identified and measured by state statute and the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS).  The 2022 Outcomes Based Funding Report, compiled by the WTCS, highlights the funding model and distribution of the funding for the 2022-23 fiscal year.

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