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Moraine Park Foundation

The Moraine Park Foundation partners with individuals and businesses to help make education accessible and affordable for Moraine Park students through scholarship assistance. Students in turn bring their education and skills to the workplace and strengthen our local economy.

In addition, Moraine Park students positively effect the lives of our citizens. They are our nurses, EMTs, welders, IT professionals, tool and die workers, accountants, CNC operators, and entrepreneurs, just to name a few.

Your investment in the Moraine Park Foundation impacts our students, their families, our businesses, and our communities. Consider giving today!

• In just the last 10 years, Moraine Park Foundation has awarded over $1.5 million in scholarships and emergency assistance to over 1,600 aspiring students. Make a gift today!

• MPTC has partnered with FreeWill to give our staff, alumni, and friends a free online tool to help write a will in under 20 minutes.

• Learn more about how Moraine Park Foundation has impacted individuals, families and communities thanks to your donations.

Ways to Give

Endowments are permanently restricted funds where only the interest earned on the initial gift is used, allowing the fund to exist in perpetuity. Endowments are often used to honor or memorialize a special person or loved one by providing ongoing scholarship support to Moraine Park students. A minimum donation for an endowed fund is $10,000, which can be given all at one time or over a five-year period.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can establish an endowed fund, contact Dana Bourland at the Moraine Park Foundation at 920-924-3225 or dbourland1@morainepark.edu.

You can establish you own named scholarship with a minimum investment of $500. This is a wonderful way to recognize a loved one, organization, or a business. You can determine the criteria for your scholarship based on your passions and interests.

If you would like to learn more about establishing a named scholarship, contact Dana Bourland at the Moraine Park Foundation at 920-924-3225 or dbourland1@morainepark.edu.

Nothing is more essential to developing our future workforce than the quality of our academic programs.  Your gift of equipment, supplies, and other tangible items can enrich students’ learning experiences, provide faculty with the resources they need to provide excellent instruction, and enhance the reputation of Moraine Park as a critical partner in fulfilling the talent needs of our local community.

Please contact Alicia Mattingly at 920-924-3263 or amattingly@morainepark.edu if you would like to make an in-kind donation.

Donating appreciated stock is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to Moraine Park Foundation and help aspiring students. Please consult with your tax advisor in advance to be sure this is a good option for you.

Benefits of stock gifts

  • Avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated stock
  • Receive a charitable income tax deduction
  • Provide a bright future for Moraine Park students

Stock Transfer Instructions

Thank you for your interest in making a charitable contribution to the Moraine Park Foundation in the form of a stock gift. Your financial advisor or trust officer can assist you in making your gift of stock via a direct transfer. It is helpful for the Foundation to be notified of intended transfers and your intended use for the funds; please contact us with any information you would like to share.

Please note the following information:

Brokerage Firm: LPL Financial
Account No: 67831400
DTC No: 0075
Moraine Park Tax ID: 51-0188166
LPL Relationship Specialist: Barb Frosch – barbara.frosch@bmo.com
Phone: 920-236-6828
Fax: 920-236-6830

By certified mail – If you hold securities in certificate form, you will need to mail two envelopes separately to complete your gift. In the first envelope, place the unsigned stock certificate(s). In the other envelope, include a signed stock power for each certificate. You may obtain this power from your broker or bank. Please remember to use certified mail.

If you are interested in learning more about stock gifts, contact Dana Bourland at the Moraine Park Foundation at 920-924-3225 or dbourland1@morainepark.edu.

About Us

In just the last 10 years, Moraine Park Foundation has awarded over $1.5 million in scholarships and emergency assistance to over 1,600 aspiring students. These scholarships and grants are made possible by donors like you who believe in the power of education to transform lives and futures. By giving generously, you help students secure family-sustaining careers and, in turn, strengthen our local businesses and communities.


We partner with joyful givers who believe in the power of education to transform lives, families and communities.


Our vision is to create a culture of generosity that results in unlimited opportunities and access for aspiring students.

Foundation Staff

dana bourland

Dana Bourland

Director of College Advancement


Alicia Mattingly Photo

Alicia Mattingly

Development Officer


Contact Us

Moraine Park Foundation
235 N. National Avenue
Fond du Lac, WI 54936
Phone: (920) 924-3225
Email: dbourland1@morainepark.edu

Our office is located on the Fond du Lac campus.

The Moraine Park Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

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