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Communications Courses

Subject: 801 Communications
Campus: Beaver Dam, Fond du Lac, West Bend, Online

Communications Faculty

Melissa Ewoldt, M.S.

Communications Instructor

"I have been a Communications Instructor at MPTC since 2011 and I love my job! I thoroughly enjoy my subject area and revel in helping students understand and apply the information covered in my courses to their personal and professional lives."

Rebecca Mullane, Ph.D.

Communications Instructor

"I have been teaching at MPTC for over ten years and working in higher education for over 15 years! I am a first generation college student and earned a PhD in Communication from UW-Milwaukee. I enjoy being outdoors and exploring Wisconsin with my family."

Jennifer McClyman

Communications Instructor

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801-136 English Composition 1 3
801-141 Intro to Mass Communications 3
801-196 Oral and Interpersonal Communications 3
801-197 Technical Reporting 3
801-198 Speech 3
801-310 Occupational Communication 1
890-103 Introduction to College Writing 3
801-204 Introduction to Literature 3
801-247 Contemporary World Literature 3
801-223 English Composition II 3
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