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K-12 Resources

Earn College Credits in High School

What is Dual Enrollment?

Dual enrollment is an umbrella term that includes a variety of programs or ways a high school student can earn college credit while still in high school.

Dual enrollment makes college more affordable for families and introduces students to college-level coursework before they fully immerse themselves in college.

Dual Enrollment Opportunities

Start College Now

The Start College Now program enables eligible high school students to enroll in courses at Moraine Park Technical College (online or on campus), earn college and high school credit for
successful completion, at no or limited cost to the student or their family.

High School Career Academies

A meaningful opportunity for high school students to earn or be on a pathway to earning a credential prior to high school graduation.

Dual Credit – Student Lookup

Dual credit provides high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school, without leaving their high school classroom. The courses are taught by certified high school instructors using technical college curriculum, grading policies and textbooks.

Dual Credit – High School Staff Info

Learn how to become a Dual Credit Instructor.

Moraine Park has a maximum limit of 22 credits per semester to support the success of students. Students may request credit limit exceptions on a case by case basis. Disclaimer: This limit also includes any combination of dual enrollment (Dual Credit, Contract and Start College Now).


Start College Early; Affordability; Earn Transferable Credit; Shorten Time to Complete Degree; Career Exploration; Earn Credentials

Contact Us

For more information regarding dual credit courses and academies, please contact our K-12 team at k12@morainepark.edu.

Beth Roehl
K-12 Partnership Manager
Tammy Hidde
K-12 Partnership Administrative Assistant
Penny Collin
K-12 Partnership Coordinator
Heather Amerling
K-12 Partnership Coordinator
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