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2025 Spring Commencement Ceremony

2025 Spring Commencement Ceremony

Graduation Applications are due March 1st for participation in the 2025 Spring Commencement Ceremony!

Commencement Information

  • DATE: Saturday, May 17th 2025 at 10:00 am
  • LOCATION: Fond du Lac High School – 801 Campus Drive, Fond du Lac WI. 54935
  • Students who are applying to earn a Technical Diploma or Associate Degree must apply for graduation to be included in the ceremony program.   

For questions regarding commencement, please contact Heather Clark at hclark4@morainepark.edu.

Guest tickets are not required for the Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony.

On the day of the ceremony graduate candidates should arrive by 9:00 am to check in and get lined up for the processional.

Please stop by the registration table for directions.  Instructions will be given to the graduate candidates on the day of commencement.  Please be sure to follow the directions of the ushers and speakers during the commencement ceremony.

Graduate candidates should not bring valuables to the commencement ceremony as there is no place to store/secure these items.  Purses, coats, cell phones/electronics and similar items should not be brought into the event space.

Graduate candidates are expected to remain in their designated seat throughout the ceremony.  Graduate candidates who leave the commencement ceremony will not be allowed to rejoin the ceremony while in progress.


Regalia will be available to purchase at the Spirit Store starting April 1st (both online and in store.)

Last date to purchase online is 5/2/2025. In store sales will continue until 5/15/2025.

Honors/High Honors Recognition

Recognition of academic excellence will be determined by the cumulative grade point average (GPA) achieved at the time the degree or technical diploma (minimum 20-credit program) is awarded. Honors designations will not be retroactively awarded.

  • High Honors designation is a cumulative GPA between 3.75 and 4.0.
  • Honors designation is a cumulative GPA between 3.50 and 3.74.

NOTE: Honors/High Honors designation for the Commencement Ceremony is based on cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) as of the end of the preceding semester spring/summer. No exceptions will be made. To view your cumulative GPA you can view your unofficial transcript here: myMPTC student>My Student Center (Class Registration and more)>Unofficial Transcript

Honor cords will be distributed at commencement to students who qualify for the distinction.

Commencement Speaker: TBA

Alumni Speaker: TBA

Student Speaker: TBA

Empire Photography has been photographing our commencement ceremonies for many years. Each graduate is photographed as they receive their diploma, and a solo portrait is also taken after they exit the stage. Proofs will be sent to graduates and their families approximately 48 hours after the ceremony.

View the QR code or follow the link to register: www.empirephotos.com/gradregistration

If you have any questions, please email Empire Photography at customerservice@empirephotos.com.

Graduate candidates will receive a diploma cover when they cross the stage during commencement. Only those students who participate in the commencement ceremony will receive a diploma cover.

Diplomas will be mailed to the address provided on the Graduation Candidacy form approximately 8 weeks after the end of the semester and is contingent upon successful completion of all program requirements.

Graduation Instructions

  • Students are eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony if they:
    • Have submitted their RSVP by completing a graduation application by March 1, 2025. Application instructions are available HERE.  *If you missed the deadline and still want to participate in the ceremony please contact Heather Clark at hclark4@morainepark.edu to see if arrangements can be made.
    • Are completing an associate degree or technical diploma program.
    • Have met, or will meet all program/graduation requirements in the academic year OR have 6 or less credits left that will be completed in the Spring/Summer term.
  • NOTE: Participation in the commencement ceremony does not guarantee graduation from a program.
  • Students can verify all course requirements are met by checking their degree audits (instructions) Contact your advisor if you need help determining your status.
  • All students must submit a Graduation Candidacy form during their last semester to identify intention to graduate for every program requested.
  • A minimum of 25 percent of the total program credits required in a degree, diploma or certificate program must be completed in residency (courses taught by MPTC instructors).
  • Students in all programs are required to achieve a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better in all attempted credits required in the program.
  • All financial obligations to Moraine Park Technical College must be fulfilled in order to obtain certificate, diploma or degree documentation.
  • A graduation application must be completed in order to receive your certificate, technical diploma or associate degree.
  • A graduation application must be completed even if you are not participating in the commencement ceremony.

Graduation applications are accepted at any time; however, the following deadlines apply to the commencement ceremony:

Winter Ceremony – December

  • October 1 – Form must be submitted by this date to guarantee graduate candidate’s name will appear in the commencement program and to participate in the ceremony. The ceremony is for Associate Degree or Technical Diploma’s only. Certificate students do not participate in the ceremony.

Spring Ceremony – May

  • March 1 – Form must be submitted by this date to guarantee graduate candidate’s name will appear in the commencement program. The ceremony is for Associate Degree or Technical Diploma’s only. Certificate students do not participate in the ceremony.

Graduates requiring disability-related accommodations to attend commencement must request accommodation(s) by contacting an Accommodation Specialist in Disability Resources by May 1st 2025 through https://morainepark-accommodate.symplicity.com/public_accommodation/.

Guests requiring disability-related accommodations to attend commencement should contact Becky Kuszynski, Disability Resources Manager at 920-924-3361, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS, or bkuszynski@morainepark.edu to make arrangements by May 1st 2025.

2024 Spring Commencement Photos

Spring Commencement 2024

2024 Spring Commencement Livestream

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