These are commonly asked questions student may encounter prior to the first day of class. These questions apply to all classes, whether traditional, blended (hybrid) classes, or high school classes.
Nursing Assistant (30-543-1)
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- Nursing Assistant (30-543-1)
No. MPTC e-mail is the primary source of communication College-wide.
The textbook for this course is an Open Educational Resource and is available online for no cost. You can download the book here.
Attendance is mandatory for this course, however, if you have to miss a class due to illness or other reason, you must communicate this with your instructor prior to the class you are missing. Class time missed must be made up by completing work assigned by your instructor. Any UNEXCUSED absence may lead to course withdrawal.
Attendance is mandatory for this course, however, if you need to miss a clinical for a medical or legal reason, you must communicate this with your instructor prior to the clinical you are missing. Clinical time missed must be made up by attending another clinical day. The make-up day will be discussed between student and instructor. Any UNEXCUSED absence may lead to course withdrawal.
The same rule applies for any missed class or clinical (see above).
Students need to complete a release of information form before instructors are allowed to discuss class progress with parents/guardians/school representatives.
In order to be successful in this class, you must pass all written tests with a 80% or higher. If you fail a test, you will need to take a re-take test which also must be passed with a 80% or higher. If the re-take test is failed, you must withdraw from the class.
After completion of the course, you will be eligible to take the Wisconsin CNA test through a company called Headmaster. Your instructor will provide detailed information on the process. If you choose to research prior, visit
All students will need a navy blue scrub top and navy blue scrub pants. These can be purchased from the online bookstore or anywhere scrubs are sold. Scrubs can be any style but must be clean and free of holes, rips, stains, etc.
Yes! All students applying to the CNA program must complete a background check. You will receive an email with specific instructions. The cost is $45. Complete the background check early so results are ready before class! Disclose all past and pending charges. If you aren’t sure if you should include it, please include it. Speeding or parking tickets and other minor traffic violations that were not part of a larger charge do not need to be disclosed. Clinical agencies have the right to deny placement based upon background check findings, therefore, class registration and course start does not guarantee a clinical experience.
The urine drug screen is required by our clinical agency partners. Students should not do this with their primary care provider. The drug screen should be done at one of the three labs listed on pg. 2 of the Health & Safety Requirements document. Costs associated with the drug screen are the students responsibility.
Please by in contact with the NA Program Specialist ( regards any potential delays. Students must have all health and safety requirements met in order to attend clinical. The inability to attend clinical can result in withdrawal from a failure of the course.