Technical Diploma│1 Year│30-31 Credits│Online Program│Eligible for Financial Aid
Median Salary for Recent Graduates: $45,185
Technical Diploma│1 Year│30-31 Credits│Online Program│Eligible for Financial Aid
Median Salary for Recent Graduates: $45,185
Start your career in the health care industry—become a medical coding specialist in less than a year with an online diploma from Moraine Park Technical College.
Medical coding specialists review medical documentation health care providers provide and translate it into an alphanumeric classification system. Using universally recognized coding systems, the coding specialist then assigns and sequences diagnostic and procedural codes, which insurance companies use to process health care claims, as well as for statistics and medical research. The type of coding is not comparable to the coding languages taught in IT programs.
Graduates from Moraine Park’s online Medical Coding Specialist program are eligible to take the national Clinical Coding Associate (CCA) certification examination through the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). They may also take AHIMA’s national Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) examination (two years of coding experience is recommended before taking the CCS examination).
Graduates learn medical coding basics, including how to collect health data, use apps to collect and code data, apply coding and reimbursement systems and act professionally and ethically in the workplace.
The courses in this technical diploma transfer into the Health Information Technology associate of applied science degree.
Potential careers include, but are not limited to, the following:
Consider earning the Health Information Technology Associate Degree along this pathway.
Median Salary for Recent Graduates: $45,185
Moraine Park’s admissions starts with the online application. The admissions steps and financial aid process can take 4-5 weeks for some programs, so plan ahead.
View and begin standard admissions steps.
If you have any questions or need help with the process, please contact us at OR 920-924-3200, TTY/VP:Use Relay VRS.
Estimated costs below are based on the 2023-2024 school year. These fees look at the cost to complete all classes. Costs, textbooks and supplies subject to change. For more details, see Cost of Attendance.
Current tuition and fees
*Based on new books, rental, electronic, and used options may be available.
The cost of your degree depends on a number of factors such as total credits required, textbooks and the financial aid you receive. Some programs have additional costs such as uniforms, technology and equipment.
Please refer to the Tuition & Fee Information for enrollment fee information.
Cost of attendance (sometimes referred to as the “sticker price”) is the maximum amount of money it costs to attend college for one year and is used to determine your financial aid offering.
While attending Moraine Park during the 2024-25 school year, your estimated cost of attendance for one full year includes tuition of $4,462 (15 credits for fall and spring semester), fees of $338, food and housing of $3,008 (if living with parents, $9,147 if living on your own), books and supplies of $1,465, personal expenses of $3,608, and transportation of $4,017 for a total of $17,002. Your direct costs (those costs paid directly to the college) include tuition & fees. The indirect costs (costs not paid to the college) can vary from individual to individual and your own personal needs.
Certification Disclosure:
Moraine Park’s Medical Coding Specialist program prepares students to obtain the educational requirements necessary to sit for the Certified Coding Associate (CCA) examination offered by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Visit the Accreditation page for more details about accreditation.
Certification Organization:
American Health Information Management Association
Successful completion of 530-165 Intermediate Coding is the exit assessment graduation requirement for this program.