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Traffic Safety, Group Dynamics and Multiple Offender Classes

Traffic Safety Course Offerings

***Traffic Safety courses are full for SPRING***

Registration for SUMMER Traffic Safety courses will open on April 1st.

Email the Human Services Administrative Assistant at mptctrafficsafety@morainepark.edu with any questions or to request a transfer to another college.

​Traffic Safety Courses

Moraine Park Technical College and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) administer traffic safety courses that enable drivers to reduce demerit points assessed against their driving privilege.

Traffic Safety, Group Dynamics, and Multiple Offender courses are offered face-to-face and are held on campus at Moraine Park. There are no online courses offered for these courses, and online third-party courses are not accepted.

Printable Versions:

Traffic Safety FAQs

Course Availability / Completion


WI DOT / Traffic Safety Paperwork

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