Transfer Credits to MPTC

If you have not yet applied for admission to a program at Moraine Park Technical College and want to find out if your credits will transfer to MPTC, you can request an unofficial transcript review.
If you have already applied for or have been admitted to a program at MPTC, your official college transcripts are needed to award transfer credit. Contact each college you previously attended and request that they send your official transcripts to MPTC.
After your official transcripts are received and reviewed, any eligible transfer credits will be awarded and will appear on your record.
View additional information about submitting official college transcripts to Moraine Park Technical College.
Learn more about how Moraine Park awards transfer credit.
MPTC is part of the Transferology community. Create your FREE account in Transferology to see how your previous college courses will transfer into MPTC.
If you have questions or need assistance setting up your Transferology account, email our Credit for Prior Learning Specialist.
Or call 920-924-3215, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS.