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Resources for High School Parents

Moms, dads and guardians, you’ve landed on the right page!

Exploring your student’s educational and career options are critical to ensuring academic success– we are here to support your family through this journey! This is your starting point for information and resources. Scroll down or click on any of the topics. Can’t find what you need? Use the Send Us Your Questions in the quick link box or call us at 920-924-3200.

Has your student registered for College Preview Day? It’s time for juniors and seniors to get registered! Parents are encourage to join. Explore what Moraine Park has to offer this April.

High School and College Dual Enrollment Opportunities

Moraine Park is here to help your student earn college credits in high school and get a jumpstart on their degree.

These Dual Enrollment opportunities make college more affordable and introduce high school students to higher-level coursework before they immerse themselves in college. 

Dual Enrollment Opportunities:

High school students in our district save over $5 million in tuition and fees by taking college credit courses in high school.

students took dual credit courses (2023-24).
students took courses contracted with their high school (2023-24).
students took courses through Start College Now (2023-24).

Other ways to earn college credit while in high school:

Advanced Placement (AP) courses prepare students to attempt the Advanced Placement Exam. Successful completion of AP exams can lead to the awarding of college credit. Read how Advanced Placement credits are accepted at MPTC.

Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (CAPP) enables students to complete college coursework (through several Wisconsin colleges) available at their high schools. Students who apply to a program at MPTC need to provide an official transcript from their CAPP college/university for review and transfer.

Value of Your Student’s MPTC Education

Attending Moraine Park is Affordable

The annual cost of tuition and fees at Moraine Park is around $4,800 compared to an average of between $7,444 and $32,472 at four-year institutions.

Many programs are eligible for financial aid and more than 84% of full-time and first-time students receive financial aid.

Over $3.2 million in financial aid was distributed for spring 2024, with a majority as financial gifts (scholarships or grants).

Save with MPTC. Check out the following 2023 to 2024 tuition rates. Moraine Park's tuition was only $4,761 compared to $10,000 for University of Wisconsin universities and $32,472 for Marian University.

Is an Education at MPTC Worth it?

More than ever, students and families are questioning the value of a college degree. Does the investment (time and cost) pay off when local employers are paying high wages and benefits?

While you and your student will need to make that decision together, here are some actual numbers and facts to consider:

Facts at a Glance. 89% of grads are employed in positions related to their career field. 96% of grads say they are satisfied/very satisfied with their training. 94% of Moraine Park grads are employed six months after graduation.


  • Many careers require a degree or specialized skills and training.
  • Future earning potential and promotions significantly increase as a result of a degree.
  • Wisconsin’s technical colleges are the most cost-effective option for many career paths.

Events and Important Dates

Virtual Info Sessions

Virtual sessions are about 30 minutes. We’ll cover topics such as:

  • Academic Programs
  • Admissions Requirements
  • Transfer credits for military, prior college or occupation experience
  • Basic financial aid steps
  • How to redeem an application fee voucher for associate degrees or technical diplomas of 28+ credits

We will tailor our discussion to your student’s needs.

Register Today

Wednesday, April 23
12:00 pm & 6 pm

Important Dates

March 1Fall Start College Now applications due to HS counselors
April 2College Preview Day - Fond du Lac
April 8Criminal Justice Exploration Day
April 9College Preview Day - West Bend
April 15HS Senior Scholarship Deadline
May 11Moraine Park Foundation Scholarship Deadline

Program Highlight

Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential with Moraine Park’s Small Business Entrepreneurship Program

Did you know that at some point, you’ve likely been an entrepreneur? Many don’t realize it, but chances are you’ve embraced entrepreneurship in some form during your life – and you may still be doing so! Whether it was hosting a lemonade stand, selling Girl Scout cookies, participating in a car wash, or fundraising for school, we’ve all had experiences selling products or services.

Moraine Park’s Small Business Entrepreneurship associate degree program is designed to turn your ideas into reality. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to take your side hustle to the next level, this program provides the tools and knowledge needed to succeed.

Students in the program develop a business mindset while honing essential skills in innovation, creativity, leadership, and critical thinking. They also gain hands-on experience through real-world training, preparing them for success in a variety of entrepreneurial paths.

For those not ready to dive into the full two-year Small Business Entrepreneurship program just yet, our one-year Entrepreneur program is the perfect steppingstone, offering a flexible pathway straight into the two-year degree. High school students can apply for the Entrepreneur Academy through dual enrollment at no cost, earning the technical diploma after completing just 11 credits.

One standout course, Small Business Management, is a favorite among faculty member Jeffrey Stueber. Over the course of 16 weeks, students participate in a business simulation, where they “own” and operate a coffee shop. This immersive experience includes creating a business name and logo, hiring employees, setting product prices, and managing daily operations—providing invaluable insights into the day-to-day challenges of running a small business.

Upon completing the program, Moraine Park graduates typically pursue one of three career paths: 

  1. Launching a side hustle while maintaining a full-time career. 
  1. Running a full-time small business as an independent entrepreneur. 
  1. Becoming an intrapreneur within an established organization, driving innovation and business development from within. 

We’re proud to share that several of our students have successfully opened businesses in the Moraine Park district after completing the program or taking program courses. These include: 

Whether you’re looking to start a new venture or expand your current business, Moraine Park’s Small Business Entrepreneurship program can help you turn your passion into a profession. Are you ready to take the next step? 

Featured Student of the Month

How One Student is Welding His Path to Success

When Vance Luckow, a Hartford Union High School senior met with Sandy Botham, a Moraine Park recruiter, it didn’t take long for him to realize that the Welding program was a perfect fit. “Sandy told me all about the programs and even arranged a campus tour.” With the campus close to home and his high school, he knew it was a great opportunity he couldn’t pass up.

While mapping out his high school courses, Vance discovered Start College Now through his counselor. After weighing his options, he chose Start College Now over Youth Apprenticeship. Start College Now is a dual enrollment opportunity where students can earn college credits while in high school. “I felt it would give me the best jump-start for my career.” And it’s safe to say, he made the right call.

Being both a high school and college student is far from easy, but Vance has proved his time management skills. His schedule is anything but traditional, starting with a few high school classes in the morning before heading home to hit the gym, eat lunch and get ready for his evening welding courses at Moraine Park. “I get home around 10:00 p.m. and head straight to bed.” As for his weekends, they’re just as busy. When he’s not working, he’s working on his car.

Vance shared what his favorite classes have been so far at Moraine Park, which included his TIG Welding and Metal Fabrication courses. “I really like tig welding the most. You can do so much with being able to weld all materials by using different filler rods and different tungsten’s.” He also enjoyed being able to create within his Metal Fabrication course. “I liked making a pressure tank and a trash can!

What’s your advice for high schools students thinking about taking college credits while in high school? “Go for it! Why not get a head start. It’s pretty awesome to get experience in areas that are interesting to you and that are getting you closer towards meeting your goals.”

With graduation quickly approaching, Vance is already planning his next steps. After completing both high school and the Moraine Park Welding program, he intends to pursue a business degree. A smart move for someone with big ambitions in the skilled trades. By the time he graduates this spring, he is set to have earned 33 college credits at no cost to him.

With a strong work ethic, a passion for welding, and a clear vision for the future, there’s no doubt that Vance is building something great, one weld at a time.


  • Moraine Park Welding graduates are reporting a median salary of $46,796.
  • The Start College Now program allows eligible 11th and 12th grade students who are currently enrolled in a Wisconsin public high school to enroll in Moraine Park courses to earn high school and college credit at the same time. The school district will pay 100% of the tuition, fees, and required textbooks and course materials. 

Common Parent Questions

Coming soon…

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Search the Moraine Park website for more information or contact recruitment@morainepark.edu.

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