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Business and Industry Services

Talent Development | Online Training | Business Resources

Build Thriving Partnerships

Are you looking for responsive, flexible and customizable learning opportunities to guarantee that your workforce and business grow and innovate in even the most competitive environments?

Look no further!

Moraine Park is your trusted partner in finding performance minded business solutions to boost retention, close skills gaps, and enhance engagement, ultimately maximizing your organizations potential. Schedule a free consultation today!

Explore Opportunities for Growth

Moraine Park is dedicated to supporting businesses and individuals in their professional endeavors, providing a wide range of resources to help them succeed. Our experienced trainers and consultants move you and your business forward by offering opportunities for growth in the following areas:

Talent Development

Enhance your competitive edge.


• Customized Training
• Boot Camps
• Workshops and Seminars
• Employee Assessments
• STRAT 3.0

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Online Training

Invest in yourself and others anywhere at any time.


• Workforce Skills Hub

• Ed2Go Pro

• Ed2Go Career Training

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Business Resources

Expand in unexpected ways.


• Business Solutions Catalog
• Talent Talk Podcast
• WAT Grants
• Recruitment Resources
• Rental and Meeting Facilities

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Talent Development

Enhance Your Competitive Edge

Our team has years of experience and expertise in their respective fields, allowing them to provide customized and relevant learning experiences. We understand the specific needs and requirements of each industry and can tailor our teaching methods to ensure that you and your workforce are equipped with the professional and technical skills you need.

Engaging in hands-on interactive learning activities, allows for a deeper understanding and retention of the information. Our approach enhances the learning experience and prepares participants to apply solutions to real-world challenges as they occur in the workplace.

Instructor pointing something out on a whiteboard to adult students.

Customized Training

Design adaptable training programs.


Workshops & Seminars

Build employee skills and readiness.


Boot Camps

Combat the skilled worker shortage.



Go beyond traditional training.


Employee Assessments

Gain relevant, critical insights.



Grow your own leadership potential.


Online Training

Invest in Yourself and Others

Available 24/7, our wide range of online training programs includes instructor-led courses and short, topic-specific tutorials. These interactive and hybrid options are designed to make learning convenient and flexible.

Need something specific? We develop online training specific to your business to align with your goals and objectives.

Please note that these courses are non-transferable and cannot be used for Veterans Administration training programs.

Adult student sitting in front of a laptop and focusing on their lesson.

Workforce Skills Hub

Earn digital badges from home.


Ed2Go Pro

Improve soft skills from anywhere.


Ed2Go Career Training

Boost your career at any time.


Business Resources

Expand In Unexpected Ways

Moraine Park prioritizes building strong industry connections to provide you with valuable resources and opportunities for growth. Our business partners play a crucial role in enhancing the quality and relevance of workforce training by sharing their expertise, resources, and industry insights.

We make a point to stay on top of current trends that could affect your business, sharing insights gained from events, professional development and various other resources.

In addition, we educate about grants, support recruitment efforts, and offer our facilities for conferences and workshops.

Business Solutions Catalog

Rethink your business.

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WAT Grants

Invest in your workforce.

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Talent Talk Podcast

Listen to experts.

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Recruitment Resources

Enhance your team.

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MPTC Today: Business News

Read local business news.

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Rental & Meeting Facilities

Use professional spaces.

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Contact Us

training@morainepark.edu or 920-924-3449, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS

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