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Manufacturing Boot Camps

Combat the Skilled Worker Shortage

At Moraine Park, we understand that skill development is crucial for any industry. That’s why we provide top-notch boot camps to help you and your workforce stay competitive.

Our Manufacturing Skills Academies will equip your team with the skills needed to adapt to technological changes with ease. We have an extensive list of boot camps available for you to choose from. Browse through them and get in touch with us to explore your options. We are confident that you won’t regret partnering with us.

Student working on a manufacturing machine.

Entry Level Boot Camps

CNC and Welding boot camps are open to all students and are free of charge. For more information, call 920-924-3334, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS or email bootcamps@morainepark.edu.

Students in a welding workshop preparing to weld.

Incumbent Worker/Company Sponsored Boot Camps

The following boot camps are company-sponsored and for incumbent workers. For more information, call 920-924-3334, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS or email communityed@morainepark.edu.

Robotics Instructor showing how a robot arm works.

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Use bootcamps@morainepark.edu or 920-924-3334, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS

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