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Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Policy

Si usted desea recibir una versión en español, póngase en contacto con Leslie Laster, La Directora de Relaciones de Diversidad, al 920.924.6355 o  llaster1@morainepark.edu

It is the policy of Moraine Park Technical College to maintain an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Compliance Plan that ensures equal opportunity and nondiscrimination for all employees, students, and non-employees by demonstrating its commitments and efforts toward equal employment opportunities and equal educational program opportunities that are conducive and supportive of cultural and ethnic diversity.

The College’s equal employment initiatives include, but are not limited to, recruitment, selection, hiring, training, promotion, transfer, layoff and return from layoff, compensation, and benefits. In response to an employee’s request, reasonable accommodations will be provided for employees with disabilities and for religious practices. The College’s equal educational program opportunities include, but are not limited to, access to courses and programs; admissions; student policies and their application; counseling, guidance, and placement services; financial assistance; work study programs; and extracurricular activities.

The College will, in conformance with applicable law, work to recruit, train, and place minority, disabled, and female persons for positions where these groups are presently under-utilized. The College will also seek assurance from all contractors and suppliers of products and services that they do not discriminate. The purchase of products and services from women, minority, and disabled business owners will be encouraged.

The MPTC President appoints an Equal Opportunity Officer – Employees and an Equal Opportunity Officer – Students, who have joint responsibility for developing, coordinating, and monitoring all of the College’s compliance activities. The MPTC President appoints a Title IX Coordinator – Employees and a Title IX Coordinator – Students. The Title IX Coordinators have joint responsibility for oversight of the Title IX activities, training, and investigations.

Questions should be directed to MPTC Equal Opportunity Officer at 235 N. National Avenue, P. O. Box 1940, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1940  920-924-6355 or 920-924-3445, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS.

EO Officer Employee EO Officer Student
Karli Resch
Human Resources Generalist
920-929-2109 (TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS)
Leslie Laster
Director for Diversity, Accessibility and Support Services
920-929-2109 (TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS)
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