FDL: Mindful Meditation with Sailesh the Hypnotist
April 15 @ 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
In this transformative session, Sailesh provides practical techniques to utilize mindful meditation and maintain wellness. With the unique enhancement of adding individual headphones to create a soothing and peaceful space for each person. Participants explore effective stress-relief techniques and learn lasting skills in concentration and relaxation. This program aims to create a healthier, more productive personal environment by equipping attendees with the tools they need to handle pressure effectively.
Participants will acquire skills to effectively reduce and manage stress, leading to a more balanced and relaxed state of mind, enhance their focus and productivity, and leave with practical strategies to support their mental wellness, fostering a healthier and more supportive environment.
FREE lunch for all MPTC students and employees who attend the session. Lunch served starting at 11:15AM.
Sponsored by the Fond du Lac Student Senate