Gas Utility Club: Christmas in a Shoebox
Buy items to fill a "Shoebox"-sized box (children ages 1-4, 5-7, and 8+) Item ideas: toys, personal hygiene products, winter supplies, etc. Return filled box to the Gas Utility Classroom...
Buy items to fill a "Shoebox"-sized box (children ages 1-4, 5-7, and 8+) Item ideas: toys, personal hygiene products, winter supplies, etc. Return filled box to the Gas Utility Classroom...
Race horses, play blackjack, poker, craps, and roulette AND eat free pizza! No experience necessary - all games are fast and easy to learn. Come and go as your schedule allows. Free food for participants only. Sponsored by the Beaver Dam Student Senate.
Tax season is approaching, are you prepared? Do you know what you are paying for each April and why you are paying? This month's Food and Facts presentation will dig into all those questions plus many more! After this presentation, our hope is that you will have a clearer idea of where you money is...