Week of Events
Vue Campus Student Housing – Open House
Vue Campus Student Housing – Open House
Vue Campus Student Housing – Open House Tuesday, May 4 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Located across the street from MPTC's Fond du Lac Campus. Stop in to see the spacious suites with private bathrooms and kitchens, meet residents, and explore the living experience VUE offers. https://www.vuecampus.com/
Lakeland University Transfer Webinar
Lakeland University Transfer Webinar
UPCOMING WEBINARS Join Lakeland University to learn more about our programs and the benefits you are awarded. Click the links below to join the webinars. April 28 (11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) https://zoom.us/j/94870243526?pwd=R0J0cWptWXFINzRYRms3bENhNEttUT09&from=addon#success May 4 (2:30 - 3:30 p.m.) https://zoom.us/j/98988243073?pwd=QUZlODk2Undoc3g4b1JpeXRsQkl2Zz09&from=addon#success Why Lakeland? Transfer up to 72-credits Graduate in as little as 18-months Discounted tuition. Students...
Jackson: Trivia and Pizza
Jackson: Trivia and Pizza
Come celebrate the end of the academic year, with some trivia for $25 and $50 gift cards and some FREE Pizza in Jackson! Sponsored by the WB Student Senate