Gas Utility Club: Christmas in a Shoebox
Buy items to fill a "Shoebox"-sized box (children ages 1-4, 5-7, and 8+) Item ideas: toys, personal hygiene products, winter supplies, etc. Return filled box to the Gas Utility Classroom...
Buy items to fill a "Shoebox"-sized box (children ages 1-4, 5-7, and 8+) Item ideas: toys, personal hygiene products, winter supplies, etc. Return filled box to the Gas Utility Classroom...
Are you looking for an opportunity to grow not only as a person, but more importantly as a LEADER? Are you looking for a chance to use your leadership and...
Do you want to meet new people, plan activities, make important decisions, and enhance your resume? If yes, join us! Besides enhancing their employability skills and resume, members receive a...
It's the last official meeting of the year! The group has a ton of accomplishments to be proud of, join them! Free lunch for attendees. Become a member. Why? To...
Gain insight into the effects a person's "shade" can have within the Black, Hispanic, and Asian communities. Understand colorism as a form of discrimination, and the role media plays in...
Have you ever been arrested? Are you worried about getting a field placement, certification/licensure, or job because of a conviction? Do you not know what is on your background check?...
Buy items to fill a "Shoebox"-sized box (children ages 1-4, 5-7, and 8+) Item ideas: toys, personal hygiene products, winter supplies, etc. Return filled box to the Gas Utility Classroom...
Moraine Park Technical College and Marian University host will host this 2.2 mile Ruck March/Walk and free lunch to raise awareness of the alarming veteran suicide rate and honor those...
Support the Welding Club with their Fundraiser! Snowman ornaments are $5 each Stands are $10 each Pay cash or check in the Library. All orders are due by December 3rd....
Buy items to fill a "Shoebox"-sized box (children ages 1-4, 5-7, and 8+) Item ideas: toys, personal hygiene products, winter supplies, etc. Return filled box to the Gas Utility Classroom...
SHARE YOUR PUPPY LOVE THIS FEBRUARY! Donate to the Dodge County Humane Society Wish List: paper towels, pine-sol, leashes, martingale collars, dog harnesses, pet safe ice remover, copy paper, laundry...
Get groovy for summer and tie dye your own t-shirt! Open to all current MPTC students.