Student Conduct Code
Every student, as defined in the scope above, has the right to pursue their education free from disruption, harassment, threats or danger. Any conduct or communication in any form that impedes the educational process, violates the rights, or intimidates staff or students will not be tolerated. The College has processes and procedures that define offenses, designate sanctions and clarify procedural requirements. Students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that does not interfere with the educational process; endanger the safety or welfare of other students or staff; or represent a violation of established statutes, ordinances or public laws.
Reason for the Policy:
This policy is intended to ensure that all students, as defined in the scope of this policy, understand the rights and responsibilities they have as a participant in and educational program or college sanctioned activity. It also provides clear guidelines, for all employees, on the standards of conduct that are acceptable.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students are responsible for their own learning and development. They have a responsibility to be active learners by attending class, participating in class activities and discussions, completing class and laboratory assignments, and preparing in advance for scheduled class session.
While attending Moraine Park Technical College, students have the right to:
- Receive high-quality education and services.
- Be treated with respect and courtesy.
- Have their information kept private and confidential, according to FERPA guidelines.
- Be listened to and have staff work with them to address their concerns and needs.
- Obtain information and support to make decisions to improve their situation.
- Be provided services and resources without discrimination.
Moraine Park Technical College Expectations of Students
- Treat the employees and others at Moraine Park Technical College with courtesy and respect.
- Adhere to the policies and procedures identified in the College Catalog.
- Request support and services when needed.
- Complete and return all required documents.
- Interact with civility and mutual respect.
- Follow and adhere to the MPTC Career and Life Skills: Communication, Reasoning, Professionalism, Engagement and Awareness.
Civility and Mutual Respect
MPTC students are expected to conduct themselves with civility and mutual respect. This means that students are encouraged to show respect for others (students, employees and com-munity members); contribute to mutual respect, effective communication, and team collaboration; maintain a positive and cooperative attitude; and exhibit professional and ethical behaviors.
However, there are some circumstances in which behavior may justify disciplinary action up to and including separation of the offending party from MTPC. These behaviors include:
- Expression that violates the law.
- Expression that falsely defames a specific individual.
- Expression that constitutes a genuine threat or harassment.
- Expression that unjustifiably invades substantial privacy or confidentiality interests.
- Expression that is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it would effectively deny another person’s access to the College’s resources and opportunities or deprive another person of some other legally protected right.
- Expression that communicates an unlawful threat of violence.
- Expression of a type that tends to provide immediate violent reaction.
In addition, MPTC may reasonably regulate the time, place and manner of expression to ensure that it does not disrupt the ordinary activities of the College. By respecting and valuing each other and maintaining a positive and cooperative attitude, we can dramatically enhance our Campus environment and personal well-being.
Student Code of Conduct (Nonacademic)
Misconduct subject to disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to:
- Conduct that constitutes a serious danger to the personal safety of other members of the college community or its visitors.
- Physical or verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, bullying, or cyberbullying that is sufficiently severe or pervasive from both a subjective perspective (i.e., the recipient’s view) and from an objective perspective (i.e., a reasonable person’s view) that it would effectively deny another person’s access to the College’s resources and opportunities or deprive another person of some other legally protected right; detention of any person on College property, satellite property, or at College activities; or conduct that endangers the health or safety of some other legally protected right; detention of any person on College property, satellite property, or at College activities; or conduct that endangers the health or safety of others.
- Conduct that damages or destroys College property or satellite property or attempts to damage or destroy College property, satellite property, technological resources, or the property of other students.
- Theft of College property, satellite property or the property of any visitor or member of the College community.
- Conduct that disrupts the learning/teaching process, for example shouting out, talking over instructors, engaging in distracting behaviors.
- Conduct that obstructs or impairs, or attempts to obstruct or impair, College-run or authorized activities, including activities outdoors or inside a classroom, library, laboratory, shop or other places where College activities are provided.
- Viewing or displaying pornographic images.
- Unethical, inappropriate, or illegal use of electronic communication.
- Unauthorized entry into or use of College property, satellite properties or facilities, technological resources or technological resources.
- Violations of the Student Acceptable Use of College Resources procedures. The College’s Acceptable Use of Computing policy can be found on myMPTC.
- Violations of the Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Policy or the Sexual Misconduct Procedure. The policy and procedure can both be found on myMPTC.
- Retaliation against any person or group who makes a complaint, cooperates with an investigation, or participates in a resolution process. Retaliation can take many forms, including continued abuse or violence, bullying, threats, and intimidation. Any individual or group of individuals, not just a complainant or respondent, can engage in retaliation.
- Intentional conduct that obstructs a College official or employee from engaging in the lawful performance of his/her duties.
- Making a knowingly false statement, orally or in writing, to any college employee.
- Violating established laws pertaining to the use of firearms, explosives, or dangerous chemicals on College-owned property, on satellite properties or controlled property, or at College-sponsored activities.
- Forging signatures or falsifying information on documents or records and/or altering documents affecting academic records.
- Excessive use of College resources based on complaints that are frivolous, lacking in merit, intended to harass, or are irrelevant to the person’s status as an MPTC student.
- Violating established Federal or Wisconsin statutes, public laws, or local ordinances pertaining to the use, possession, sale or distribution of alcohol, narcotics or illegal drugs on College property, on satellite properties, or at College events.
- Any student or individual who appears to be under the influence of alcohol and /or illicit drugs, on campus or while attending a College event, will be subject to observation by two Security/Incident Commander employees. If signs of influence are present, the individual will be escorted to the closest non-occupied room. If individual refuses to move, others will be dismissed from the room. If individual becomes argumentative (or behavior escalates higher) local police will be called for assistance. If the individual is a student, the Director of Student Development will be notified of the incident as a student conduct code violation.
- Use of hoverboards, skateboards and drones.
Due Process
In all cases involving student sanctions, the student will be given:
- Notice in writing of violation of student code of conduct
- Opportunity for a meeting to review facts related to the incident and determination of informal resolution or disciplinary sanctions
- Right to appeal the decision/sanction
Sanctions (Nonacademic)
Sanctions will be imposed on students violating any of the above. Sanctions imposed by the College in response to nonacademic misconduct may include one or more of the following penal-ties based on severity. The Director of Student Development is the delegated the authority to determine and enforce appropriate sanctions. These include:
- Temporary Suspension: If the student’s behavior presents an immediate danger to self, other students, staff or property, or technological resources, or threatens the disruption or interference of a college sponsored activity, the Director of Student Development, or senior campus administrators can invoke temporary suspension prior to the conduction of a full investigation and hearing. Students may be removed for mental health assessment. When a temporary suspension begins a student may not enter any Moraine Park Technical College campus, regional center or other facility where the College is conducting business unless scheduled to meet with the Director of Student Development or campus administrator to discuss the temporary suspension. All access to technological resources is also suspended. Failure to respond to a temporary suspension letter and meet with MPTC administration within thirty (30) calendar days will result in the student being placed on full suspension for at least one semester.
- Loss of Privileges: Under this provision, the student’s relationship with the College is restricted and specific privileges are denied for a designated period of time. Privileges may include, but are not limited to, use of computer resources, student e-mail, library, and/or other services of the College.
- Limited Access: The student shall have limited access to the This is a restriction to selected parts and/or the entire campus, regional center and/or any other facility that pro-vides instruction or activity for the college.
- Restitution: Fines and/or restitution, where appropriate, when loss or damage has been done to college facilities, property, and/or the property of others.
- Withdrawal From Class: A student who is withdrawn from class under this provision loses any grading opportunity plus tuition and fees from the class or classes.
- Apology: A letter of apology from the student to any relevant party, including the College.
- Development: Complete a reflection paper or essay that addresses the following questions/statements:
- What have you learned from this experience?
- What will you do differently if the same situation should arise in the future?
- What are some of the potential consequences of your actions?
- How did your actions negatively impact your program, fellow students and MPTC?
- How will the MPTC Career and Life Skills factor in your decision making in the future?
- Meeting: A meeting with a college official or counselor to discuss the student’s behavior and potential corrective
- Warning: A notice, in writing, to the student that the student is violating or has violated certain College conduct expectations, policies and regulations.
- Probation: A student placed on probation would be allowed to remain enrolled at Moraine Park under the condition that he/she complies with all college conduct expectations or regulations or with other designated standards of conduct. Probation may include a loss of certain privileges and shall not exceed two semesters.
- Suspension: A student placed on suspension loses his/her student status for a specific period of time, not to exceed five years. All student rights and privileges are lost during the suspension. At the conclusion of the suspension, the student may reenroll. After two suspensions, a third incident will result in an expulsion.
- Expulsion: Under expulsion, the student’s relationship with the college is terminated. All student rights and privileges are lost permanently. The Vice President of Student Ser-vices reviews all recommendations of expulsion.
Resolution of a violation of conduct code is based on the premise that informal resolution is the preferred outcome.
Student Conduct Code (Academic)
Instructors are responsible for familiarizing students with conduct expectations associated with academic integrity. Students have an obligation to conduct their academic work according to College standards. Students also have a right to expect that they will be graded fairly and have the right of due process procedures should they be charged with academic misconduct.
Academic misconduct subject to disciplinary sanctions includes, but is not limited to:
- Cheating: Possessing and/or using resources, notes, study aids, information or materials while taking any quiz, test or exam. These resources may be written or electronic in nature. Allowing another person to do one’s work and submitting that work under one’s own name.
- Plagiarism: Seeking to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization by citation. Purchasing of term papers and submitting in whole or in part to meet course requirements
- Unfair Advantage: Damaging, destroying or erasing the academic work of others. Stealing, damaging, defacing, destroying or concealing library materials with the purpose of depriving others of their use. Intentionally obstructing or interfering with another student’s academic work.
- Collusion: Assisting other students in cheating, falsifying information, or plagiarizing. Providing false information in connection with an inquiry regarding academic dishonesty. Engaging in conduct aimed at making false statements of a student’s academic performance.
- Falsification of Records and Official Documents Forging signatures or falsifying information on documents or records. Altering documents affecting academic records. Presenting or making use of false documentation. Making false statements to college employees regarding academic work. Misrepresenting ones’ self to college representatives, other students, and/or external entities.
- Unauthorized Use Downloading, storing and/or sharing nonacademic information/ videos on a student’s home directory. Using electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of any instructional or college activity or academic material unless authorized by the instructor or Associate Dean/Dean. Using another student’s home directory for any purpose.
- Other Failing to comply with a reasonable request or directive from a representative of the College.
Additional provisions from accrediting bodies and clinical/internship sites may supplement this Student Conduct Code.
Sanctions (Academic)
Faculty members with direct personal knowledge of an Academic Student Conduct Code violation by a student or students have the authority to impose penalties. Based on the evidence and the severity of the misconduct, instructors may impose the following sanctions:
- Issue an oral reprimand.
- Give a written reprimand presented only to the student.
- Require an assignment or assignments or repeat the work that is graded on its merit.
- Issue a lower or failing grade on the particular assignment or test in question.
- Lower the grade in the course.
- Submit a failing grade in the course.
- Remove the student from the class session in progress.
- Dismiss the student from the class for the balance of the class session and/or referral to the Director of Student Development for further action.
In addition to the sanctions, described above, the Associate Dean/Dean may impose one or more of the following:
- A letter of apology from the student to any relevant party, including the College.
- A meeting with a college official or counselor to discuss the student’s behavior and potential corrective strategies.
- Fines and/or restitution, where appropriate, when damage has been done to college facilities and/or the property of others.
- Removal from program.
One or more of the aforementioned disciplinary sanctions listed may be imposed.
If the severity of the academic misconduct is deemed to be serious or extreme, the faculty member or Associate Dean/Dean will refer the matter to the Director of Student Development for disciplinary action.
Student Grievances (Academic)
A grievance is a written claim raised by a student alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory action by an employee involving application of a specific provision of MPTC’s academic policies and procedures. An academic grievance is a dispute related to an academic matter within a learning activity, class, or program of study.
This grievance procedure pertains to both credit and non-credit classes and programs. In the following procedures, standard business days are understood to follow a Monday through Friday sequence, not counting days when the College is closed. The relevant Associate Dean has the authority to extend the reporting times for good cause.
The grievance procedure is based on the proposition that informal resolution initiated by the student is the preferred outcome. If such resolution cannot be attained or if the student feels that an initial informal meeting with the affected party is not possible due to the nature of the concern, then the grievance procedure will begin as outlined below. Failure to comply with any of the deadlines below will forfeit a student’s right to appeal.
Please note: Programmatic accreditation may impact and add additional steps to this process. Please see the appropriate program handbook for additional information.
Informal Resolution
The goal of this procedure is to achieve resolution acceptable to the parties at the lowest possible administrative stage. The student must contact the instructor with whom they have the grievance and request a face-to-face meeting or phone conference to discuss the concern within five (5) standard business days of the date on which the alleged issue occurred or was brought to the student’s attention by the instructor.
The instructor must hold the meeting or phone conference with the student within five (5) standard business days of the receipt of the student’s request. The instructor will listen to the entirety of the student’s concern and consider if a change of decision is warranted.
Within five (5) standard business days of reaching a decision, the instructor will communicate the decision to the student in writing (college e-mail or letter) and provide a copy to the Associate Dean of the instructor’s instructional area. If there is no resolution of the grievance with the instructor, the student may initiate a Formal Appeal.
Formal Resolution
Step 1: Request for Appeal to the Associate Dean
If the issue was not resolved during the informal resolution process, the student may appeal the sanction using the following procedures.
The student must submit a written appeal request to the Associate Dean within five (5) standard business days of the date on which the student learned of the instructor’s decision. The written appeal request document (or e-mail) must clearly address:
- The student’s specific concerns.
- The date on which the student met with the instructor to seek resolution of the issue (if the student did not meet with the instructor, the student must explain why).
- The result of the discussion with the instructor.
- The outcome the student seeks.
The Associate Dean will contact the student to establish a meeting. At this meeting, the Associate Dean will discuss with the student the concerns related to the issue. After the meeting, the Associate Dean will communicate a decision to the student, in writing. A copy of the communication will be provided to the instructor (as applicable).
Step 2: Request for Appeal to the Dean
The student may appeal to the appropriate Dean. The student must make this request to the Dean within five (5) standard business days of the date on which the student learned of the Associate Dean’s decision.
The Dean will contact the student to establish a meeting if necessary. The Dean will have access to all information involved in the prior steps of the procedure and may invite other persons as necessary to make a decision.
The Dean will communicate a decision to the student, in writing. A copy of the communication will be provided to the instructor (as applicable) and the Associate Dean.
Step 3: Request for Appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs
The student may appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, or the Vice President’s designee. The student must make this request within five (5) standard business days of the date on which the student learned of the Dean’s decision.
The Vice President of Academic Affairs, or the Vice President’s designee, will contact the student to establish a meeting if necessary. The Vice President will have access to all
information involved in the prior steps of the procedure and may invite other persons as necessary to make a decision.
The Vice President, or the Vice President’s designee, will communicate a decision to the student in writing. A copy of the communication will be provided to the instructor, the Associate Dean, and the Dean, as applicable. The decision of the Vice President, or the Vice President’s designee is final.
Due to the unique requirements of certain programs, their specific handbooks supersede the student rights and responsibilities and Student Conduct Code.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students are responsible for their own learning and development. They have a responsibility to be active learners by attending class, participating in class activities and discussions, completing class and laboratory assignments, and preparing in advance for scheduled class session.
When you attend Moraine Park Technical College, you have the right to:
- Receive high-quality education and services.
- Be treated with respect and courtesy.
- Have your information kept private and confidential, according to FERPA guidelines.
- Be listened to and have staff work with you to make a plan to address your concerns and needs.
- Obtain information and support to make decisions to improve your situation.
- Be provided services and resources without discrimination.
This is what we expect from you:
- Treat the staff and others at Moraine Park Technical College with courtesy and respect.
- Adhere to the policies and procedures identified in the Student Handbook.
- Request support and services when needed.
- Complete and return all required documents.
- Interact with civility and mutual respect.
- Follow and adhere to the MPTC Core Abilities: Work Productively, Demonstrate Integrity, Adapt to Change, Communicate Clearly, Act Responsibly, Think Critically and Creatively, and Work Cooperatively.
Civility and Mutual Respect
MPTC students are expected to conduct themselves with civility and mutual respect. This means that students are encouraged to show respect for others (students, staff and community members); contribute to mutual respect, effective communication, and team collaboration; maintain a positive and cooperative attitude; and exhibit professional and ethical behaviors.
However, there are some circumstances in which behavior may justify disciplinary action up to and including separation of the offending party from MTPC. These behaviors include:
- Expression that violates the law.
- Expression that falsely defames a specific individual.
- Expression that constitutes a genuine threat or harassment.
- Expression that unjustifiably invades substantial privacy or confidentiality interests.
- Expression that is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it would effectively deny another person’s access to the College’s resources and opportunities or deprive another person of some other legally protected right.
- Expression that communicates an unlawful threat of violence.
- Expression of a type that tends to provide immediate violent reaction.
In addition, MPTC may reasonably regulate the time, place and manner of expression to ensure that it does not disrupt the ordinary activities of the College. By respecting and valuing each other and maintaining a positive and cooperative attitude, we can dramatically enhance our Campus environment and personal well-being.
Appropriate Dress
Appearance, maturity and behavior are important factors that will influence the faculty members who are called upon to recommend a student for employment or transfer. Prospective employers also are influenced by the appearance of the student applicant. It is the policy of the school that a student dress in accordance with conduct expectations established by various program areas in regard to uniforms and shoes. Safety, cleanliness and appearance should also be considered. Any clothing, headwear or facial covering that disrupts the educational process will not be allowed. Students will be asked to remove or cover the offending item and may be referred to the Dean of Students.