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Campus Safety & Security

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Student Safety

Safety is the single largest concern for all programs at Moraine Park Technical College. Every student must understand there are certain dangers, hazards and risks included in various program areas. Whether in the classroom or training field, students must acknowledge their participation may involve the risk of damage to property, bodily injury and, in some cases, even death. Each student agrees to exercise reasonable care at all times, with respect to the safety of the student’s own person and personal property and with respect to the safety of other students and their personal property.

Campus Security

Pursuant to 20 United States Code section 1092(f), the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act,” and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) each institution of higher education in the United States that participates in federal student aid programs must produce and distribute an Annual Security Report containing crime statistics and statements of security policy. Moraine Park Technical College’s Annual Campus Security Report is available at www.morainepark.edu/about-mptc/campus-and-visitor-information/right-to-know/campus-safety-and-security.

Reporting of Criminal Actions or Emergencies

MPTC encourages all persons attending or visiting a campus to report all real or perceived criminal acts and/or all other incidents of suspicious or medical nature. Reports must be made to the security officer on duty, Security Manager, or a Campus Security Authority (CSA) so proper and appropriate follow-up or assistance can be provided.

To report a crime or emergency, call the MPTC Emergency line at extension 5555 from any campus phone, or 911 for local law enforcement. Crimes and other emergencies that occur after-hours should be reported to the Security Manager or local law enforcement agency.

Crimes should be accurately and promptly reported to MPTC security or the appropriate police agency, when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report. Members of the community are helpful when they immediately report crimes or emergencies to the MPTC security and CSAs for purposes of including them in the annual statistical disclosure and assessing them for issuing a Timely Warning Notices, when deemed necessary.

College Access and Control

MPTC academic and administrative buildings are open to the public, at a minimum, during normal business hours. Exterior doors at each campus may be secured after 6:00 PM, Monday-Friday, based on academic and event scheduling needs. Limited doors are open when academics/events are scheduled on Saturdays. An electronic access system controls access to the buildings. Card readers are used to allow access at exterior and interior doors.

During non-business hours, access to all college facilities is only given to those employees needing to be in the building after hours as part of their regular job requirements. For more information on the access protocol, contact the Security Manager.

The College does not have 24-hour security coverage. The College maintains a commitment to campus security and safety. Parking lots, pedestrian walkways and building exteriors are lighted from dusk to dawn. College personnel monitor the campuses for irregularities and needed repairs or maintenance of facilities, grounds, and lighting. Safety and security considerations are major factors in all landscaping and lighting designs.

Students must produce identification if requested by a Moraine Park employee. If students do not have identification, they must provide their name and student number for verification. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.

Children on Campus

When children are introduced to environments that are not designed to cater to them, issues of safety, supervision, productivity and legal liability arise.  For the purposes of this procedure, a child is defined as any youth under the age of 18 who is not officially registered in an MPTC class.  Therefore, children accompanying students or visitors of Moraine Park Technical College must be under the constant supervision of a responsible adult while on MPTC property or on the site of any approved off-campus class or MPTC event. Employees of the College have assigned duties and cannot take supervisory responsibility for any unattended children of employees, students, or visitors. Children should not be unattended in any College facility at any time.


  1. The College assumes no responsibility or liability for children, nor for any accidents or injuries to children.
  2. Students are expected to arrange for childcare utilizing the options available in our community. Sick children are not to be brought to campus.
  3. Children accompanying students or visitors are not permitted in classes, labs, or other learning environments.
  4. Persons receiving MPTC services may be refused service if accompanied by a child who will be unattended during the time the patron is receiving services. College employees will not be expected to provide supervision of such children.
  5. A violation of this procedure may result in appropriate corrective action.

If an unattended child is observed on campus, the MPTC employee observing the child should attempt to obtain the child’s name and then report the situation immediately to MPTC security. Security will attempt to locate the child’s (children’s) parent(s), legal guardian(s) or caregiver to remedy the situation. If a parent, guardian or caregiver cannot be found in a reasonable amount of time, Security may refer the situation to the Department of Social Services or other appropriate agency.

Fire – Building Evacuation

All Moraine Park facilities are equipped with fire alarm systems to initiate a building evacuation. The alarm system is activated by pulling down on the lever of one of the fire alarm boxes or by the smoke/heat detection system that automatically activates the alarm.

  • When the alarm sounds, everyone must evacuate the premises immediately using the nearest safe exit. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR.
  • Evacuation routes are posted in all classrooms and on bulletin boards. Familiarize yourself with the evacuation routes for areas you may occupy.
  • Once outside, move to a clear location at least 250 feet from the building. Stay with your group (work group, class). All individuals must be accounted for.
  • Keep the walkways, fire lanes and areas around the fire hydrants clear for emergency crews.

Evacuation guidelines for disabled persons

Always ask the person if you can assist and how you can best assist them BEFORE giving assistance. If the person cannot exit, they should be escorted to an area of rescue assistance and their location reported to emergency personnel.

  • Fond du Lac – staircase by O-2
  • West Bend – staircase by T-208
  • West Bend – staircase by T-205

In some cases, it may be safer to allow the person to defend in place. Steps should be taken to prevent smoke from entering the room. Notify emergency officials of the location. Emergency officials will determine when it is safe to re-enter the building. An announcement will be made.


Tornado Watch – A watch is an indication of where and when weather conditions may present severe weather or tornados. The National Weather Service will issue a bulletin to local authorities and an announcement will be made.

  • During a Tornado Watch, persons are asked to remain where they are and to be alert for further announcements.
  • All building occupants should review crisis response protocol in the event a tornado warning is issued.

Tornado Warning – A warning means that either a tornado or storm cell has been sighted or there is a high probability that a tornado will occur. The National Weather Service will notify the local authorities, and an announcement will be made.

  • During a Tornado Warning, persons are instructed to move to the most protected areas of the building. Look for the posted signs.
  • All persons should remain in the most protected areas until an “all clear” is announced.
  • If time does not allow for persons to move to the most protected areas, the announcement made will instruct everyone to stay where they are and take cover. Seek shelter under a table/desk, away from windows.

On-Campus Threat With a Weapon

An on-campus threat may involve a person with a firearm, knife or other weapon with the intent to injure or kill another person. In the event the college has an on-campus threat with a weapon, and announcement will be made. Each person must quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect their own life.


  • Have an escape plan in mind.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Keep your hands visible.


  • Hide in an area out of view – Pull all shades.
  • Turn off lights and cell phone.
  • Secure your hiding place by locking and/or barricading the door.
  • DO NOT open door for anyone once your hiding place is secured.

FIGHT as a LAST RESORT only when your life is in imminent danger

  • Attempt to incapacitate the person.
  • Act with aggression and throw items at the person.

Only when it is safe to do so, dial 911.

Do not assume someone else is calling.

When law enforcement arrives on campus, follow these guidelines:

  • Remain calm and follow instructions.
  • Keep your hands visible at all times.
  • Avoid making any sudden movements toward officers.

When the police and incident commander determine the threat has been controlled and the building is secured, an announcement will be made.

Weapons on Campus

Moraine Park Technical College’s Weapons on Campus procedure prohibits any individual – student, faculty, staff and members of the public – from carrying weapons on campus within campus facilities as well as college-sponsored events. Exceptions are allowed for sworn law enforcement officers and on-duty military personnel who are legally permitted to carry weapons in the State of Wisconsin.

For purposes of concealed carry, a “weapon” includes, but is not limited to, handguns, electric weapons, knives, swords, and billy clubs. Moraine Park Technical College reserves the right to determine whether a particular item qualifies as a weapon for purposes of concealed carry. Signs informing persons of this prohibition are posted at all entrances of college owned and occupied buildings.

Weapons may be carried and stored in a person’s own motor vehicle, even if the vehicle is driven or parked on College property. If weapons are kept in an unattended vehicle, such weapons shall be encased, unloaded, and kept within a locked vehicle. Concealed weapons may be prohibited in certain academic training areas on campus grounds if the weapon poses a serious threat of safety to any person(s) during a training exercise. Any student who violates these provisions shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion consistent with guidelines of the College’s Student Conduct Code as well as possible criminal prosecution.

Locating a Student in Case of Emergency

Students will not be contacted during class time for delivery of casual messages. In emergency situations, information will be collected from the caller, and every effort will be made to locate the student and share the information about the emergency. Students are reminded to update their contact information (addresses and phone numbers) on myMPTC so that in an emergency during non-school hours, they may be located. The College asks that students not use College phone numbers as an emergency contact number.


Any accidents/injuries occurring on College property must be reported immediately to College personnel. Incident Reports are to be completed and submitted as soon as possible after the accident/injury. Medical bills (physician and/or hospital) incurred as a result of an accident/injury are the responsibility of the individual.

If an accident/injury occurs, the student should first file all claims with their health insurance provider. Any uncovered expenses including medical bills, co-pays, deductibles, etc., may be covered by the student accident insurance program described later.

Student Accident Insurance

Enrolled students will be registered and covered by a mandatory accident insurance plan. The fee will be referenced as a Student Accident Insurance Fee (SAIF) on billings and communications and is not refundable unless the student withdraws before the start of class.  Students will be charged $4.50 per semester and the insurance program includes the following:

  • A $100,000 benefit is offered for each accident
  • Comprehensive services are covered at 100%; there are no deductibles
    • There is no preferred provider list that allows students to remain with their current health care provider or select a health care provider of their choosing.
  • A $25,000 accidental death and dismemberment benefit

The program is secondary to any health insurance program by which a student is currently covered but offers a layer of protection and security to students while on campus, at practicum, at college-sponsored events, at clinical sites, and during travel time to/from campus for two hours each way. Students traveling for college-sponsored activities, within the State of Wisconsin, are also covered. Distance learning online, contract, avocational and non-credit students are not eligible for this plan.

Student Health Insurance

Students are encouraged to seek health insurance plan coverage of their choice. Moraine Park does not endorse any agency and urges students to verify if they have coverage from a parent, employer or to contact an independent insurance agency provider. Moraine Park does not assume any responsibility for personal injuries or property damage, nor does Moraine Park provide medical coverage for the student. Each student’s participation in a class is strictly voluntary, and it is strongly encouraged that all students carry their own medical insurance in the event of a loss.

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