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Tutor Expectations

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  9. Tutor Expectations

One-on-one or group tutoring is available for program courses only. Assistance with foundational reading, writing, and math should be referred to MPTC’s Student Success Center.

  • Students (tutees) will be assigned to you according to course demand and schedule
  • When hired, complete all required employment forms prior to the first tutoring session and
    complete a new tutor orientation.
  • New tutors will be required to view and acknowledge a FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) overview video and sign a confidentiality agreement to be renewed yearly as a condition of employment as a tutor.
  • Tutors will communicate regularly with Tutoring Services including quick response to emails and phone calls.
  • Time sheets will be completed electronically and submitted by the second Friday of each pay period.
  • The tutee will make the initial contact with the tutor to set a time and place to meet for tutoring. Tutoring must take place on MPTC campuses or virtually.  Microsoft Teams is the preferred platform for the college.
  • The tutor will be on time for tutoring sessions. If a schedule change must be made, contact the tutee directly. Please notify tutees 24 hours in advance of any changes or cancellations.
  • The tutor will wait 10 minutes past the appointed time and is free to leave if the tutee does not show up for the session. The tutor is not required to extend the meeting time to make up for tardiness. The tutor may record an hour of time for the missed appointment. The tutor will notify the Tutoring Services Specialist of the no-show.
  • Do not do the tutee’s homework or assignments for them. Tutees must come prepared for each session by reading class materials, attempting homework assignments ahead of time, and preparing questions for the tutor.
  • No more than four (4) hours of tutoring per week per tutee is permitted for each course.
  • Tutoring extended beyond the last day of class must be approved by tutoring services.
  • Check your email regularly for updates on the status of your tutoring match.
  • Violation of the Student Conduct Code (see Student Handbook) may result in your termination
    as a tutor.

If there are concerns that need to be addressed, please inform Tutoring Services as soon as possible so that the service can remain effective. Questions and concerns can be directed to:

Mary Daley
Tutoring Services
920-924-6488, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS

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