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Facility Projects

The following projects were identified to improve the educational programming we offer our students. Note that the estimated costs below include equipment, furnishings, site work, and technology for each project.

1. Fire Training Facility

The purchase of land and construction of a new fire training facility in the Moraine Park District will help meet the current demand for firefighters and paramedics at the 40 fire departments in our region.

Student Impact:
The proposed new construction will bring:
• Facilities that will allow hands-on training include:
– Live fire conditions
– Burn with props
– Controlled fire situations for a lower-risk training experience.

District Impact:
• The district is in need of highly trained firefighters.
• A centrally located facility will allow MPTC to provide training to the majority of our 50 community partner
• A new centrally located center will provide the required training to ensure firefighters are ready to serve their communities
• Allows student firefighters to train high-risk/low-frequency skills in the safety of a training environment.

Estimated cost: $9.3 million

2. Manufacturing, Automation and Robotics Lab

The expansion of Moraine Park’s West Bend Campus facilities will add a Manufacturing, Automation and Robotics Lab to support advanced manufacturing, welding, metal fabrication and robotics for apprenticeship degree programs and job training.

Student Impact:
This expansion will:
• Bring seven new manufacturing programs to the West Bend Campus.
• Increase opportunities for high school students to earn college credits at the regional high schools.

Community Impact:
• There are expected to be more than 14,000 manufacturing jobs open over the next 10 years.
• The seven new programs will help to fill the job growth gap over the next ten years and will offer hands-on training facilities for use by the district high schools.
• 26% of jobs in our district are manufacturing.
• 64% of students work within MPTC’s district after graduation.

Estimated cost: $18.5 million

3. Advanced Manufacturing and Trades

The enhancement of Moraine Park’s manufacturing and trades wing on the Fond du Lac Campus will create classrooms and specialized labs to address local workforce shortages and provide enhanced spaces for instruction in software training, programming, product design, manufacturing and robotics.

Student Impact:
The proposed enhancement will bring:
• A larger learning space with more equipment that is reflective of industry standards and offers students a seamless transition from college to career.
• Increased opportunities for high school students to learn college credits at the 27 district high schools.

Community Impact:
• There are expected to be more than 14,000 manufacturing jobs open over the next 10 years.
• 26% of jobs in the district are in manufacturing.
• 64% of students work within MPTC’s district after graduation.

Estimated cost: $13.7 million*
*We received $2 million in donation pledges to help offset the cost of this project.

4. Health & Human Services Facility (Fond du Lac)

The enhancement of Moraine Park’s Health and Human Services wing on the Fond du Lac campus will add simulation spaces that model real-world clinics and labs, and update labs and classrooms for our radiography, medical lab technician, surgical technology and respiratory therapy programs.

Student Impact:
The proposed enhancement will bring:
• New simulation spaces that will allow 128 new nurses district-wide to finish their credentials at MPTC annually.
• More advanced simulation training throughout many health programs offered at the Fond du Lac campus, allowing students to be better prepared to begin employment immediately after graduation.

Community Impact:
• More advanced simulation training throughout many health programs offered at the Fond du Lac campus, allowing students to be better prepared to begin employment immediately after graduation.
• Expansion of the health and human services program facilities will position MPTC to better meet the current and future district workforce needs.

Estimated cost: $13.3 million

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