On Campus using a non-VDI College Computer
1. While logged into a non-VDI College computer, press “Ctrl + Alt + Delete”.
2. Click the “Change Password” button.
3. Type in your current and new password in the fields provided. (See list of complexity requirements, below)
4. Click OK.
5. You will receive a “Your password has been changed” message upon successful change.
Off Campus or using a Personal Computer or VDI
Use the password reset tool
Enter your username, then answer the security question.
You will receive a success message upon successful password change.
Password Complexity Requirements
- Must be at least 14 characters long.
- Cannot include any part of your username, first name, or last name.
- Must contain at least three of these four elements:
- upper case letter.
- lower case letter.
- number.
- special character (not including the $ or @ symbols).
If you do not know your username:
- Use the ID lookup tool. You will need the ZIP code for your address on file with MPTC.
- When you have your username, use the password reset tool to set your new password.
If your password has expired:
Follow the instructions above or call the Technology Help Line at (on campus) extension 4357 or (off campus) 920-924-3481.