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Financial Aid

Every day students are looking for ways to finance their education. Almost half of Moraine Park’s program students receive some type of financial assistance, and our Financial Aid staff helps make the process easy. Every financial aid recipient has rights and responsibilities.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) season begins Oct. 1* each year so students are encouraged to complete an application as soon as possible.  Moraine Park’s school code is 005303.

*The 2024-25 FAFSA is now available. Students (and their parents, if applicable) are encouraged to set up their account/FSA ID in advance. This application is for classes taken from August 2024 – July 2025.

Learn more about the Department of Education’s FAFSA Simplification Act.

*The 2025-26 FAFSA is now available. Students (and their parents, if applicable) are encouraged to set up their account/FSA ID in advance. This application is for classes taken from August 2025 – July 2026.

Contact us: financialaid@morainepark.edu, (920)924-3207, or 1-800-472-4554, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS.

Book an appointment with us:
Fond Du Lac: Schedule an Appointment
Beaver Dam: Schedule an Appointment
West Bend: Schedule an Appointment

Be sure to include your Student ID Number (N#) if you have one when emailing or calling our office.

More details about loan, workstudy and grant options.


Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid (SAP): Academic requirements to maintain financial aid.

Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note steps.

Electronic documents and forms.

Eligibility Requirements

To be offered federal, state, or institutional funds administered by Moraine Park’s Financial Aid Office, you must:

  • File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year.
  • Be admitted to MPTC in an eligible associate degree or technical diploma program (certificates and apprenticeships are not eligible). In general, all Associate Degree and Technical Diplomas are eligible for financial aid, except:
    • Bookkeeper
    • EMT Basic
    • EMT Advanced
    • Nursing Assistant
    • Phlebotomist
    • Some programs on campus are offered through other Wisconsin technical colleges. This means you may be taking your classes here at Moraine Park but you apply for admissions AND financial aid through a different technical college. If you are admitted into one of the following programs, you must apply for financial aid at the school listed.
    • Agribusiness Science & Technology: Lakeshore Technical College (009194)
  • Have a high school diploma, General Education Development (GED), or High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED).
  • Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen (permanent resident).
  • If born male, be registered with Selective Service (this applies only to State of Wisconsin-controlled grants).
  • Have a valid Social Security Number.
  • Not be in default on a student loan. Review your federal loans at https://studentaid.gov/
  • Not owe an overpayment on any federal (Title IV) aid.
  • Meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards as defined by the Financial Aid Office.
  • Not be delinquent on court-ordered child support and/or maintenance (this applies only to State of Wisconsin-controlled grants).
  • Certify that you will use student aid only for educational purposes.
  • Students with criminal convictions may be eligible, but must work with their correctional institution and the MPTC College Navigator for further eligibility. Federal law requires students to inform the Financial Aid Office of their incarceration.

The following program and course combinations calculate lesser credits for financial aid purposes: Electricity (College 101, Oral and Interpersonal Communication, Intermediate Algebra with Applications), Electrical Power Distribution (College 101, Introduction to Electrical Substations), Welding (College 101), Gas Utility Construction and Service (College 101), Cosmetology (College 101), , Medical Assistant (College 101, English Composition) and CNC/Tool and Die Technologies (College 101).  If you enroll in less than full time for the semester you select to take this in, it will impact the amount of aid you are eligible to receive.  Please work with your advisor to create the course schedule that best meets your needs.

FAFSA Information for Mixed Immigration Status Families (English) (Spanish)

Start with your FSA ID
An FSA (Federal Student Aid) ID and password is required to complete the FAFSA.

Students: All students need an FSA ID
Parents: At least one parent needs an FSA ID for dependent students. If the parent is married and files taxes jointly, only one parent needs an FSA ID. If they file separately, both parents need an FSA ID.
Spouses: If a student is married but filed taxes separately, their spouse also needs an FSA ID.

Create your FSA ID

Complete the FAFSA
You will need to wait three days after creating your FSA ID before completing a FAFSA Application or you will not be able to use the data transfer tool that makes the application process accurate and faster. The FAFSA determines if you are eligible to receive state and/or federal funding. There are a number of helpful resources available from the U.S. Department of Education, including some good videos and worksheets to guide you through the process. Click here to apply for Financial Aid

You’ll need this: 
Moraine Park’s Financial Aid School Code is 005303

How to Create an Account and Username (FSA ID) for StudentAid.gov

Students with special circumstances (loss of a job, etc.) or unusual circumstances (human trafficking, refugee or asylee status, parental abandonment, incarceration) are encouraged to work directly with the financial aid office to ensure a maximum amount of financial aid eligibility.  Both the Special Circumstances Review Form and Dependency Override Form are available online via our Financial Aid Forms page.

  1. Once your FAFSA has been processed, you’ll receive a Student Aid Report/FAFSA Submission Summary. This is a record of your application, not the actual award.
  2. Moraine Park will then download your application and assign Financial Aid Forms you need to complete. In some cases, your FAFSA will indicate you’ve been selected for Verification to ensure accuracy and completeness. If this occurs, we will request the appropriate documentation. 
  3. Make sure you complete your program admission. Financial aid cannot be offered until you are admitted into an eligible associate degree or technical diploma program. Simply enrolling in courses does not qualify for financial aid; you must apply and be admitted into a program.
  4. Once all FAFSA application requirements have been met and awarding has begun for the aid year, expect to receive your award offer within 2-3 weeks. Communication about your FAFSA application will be sent to your student email and will also be posted in the My Financial Aid section of your MyMPTC Account. You can check the status of your application at any time.

Select your classes carefully. You must be registered for classes according to program curriculum in order to receive financial aid. If you need help, contact your Academic Advisor.

When all of your financial aid requirements have been met (see Apply for Financial Aid and After You Apply tabs), you will receive an Award Offer Email and it will also be posted in the My Financial Aid section of your MyMPTC Account. The award offer will identify the types of financial aid and amounts based on a full-time credit load, an assumed housing status, and known funding resources at that time.

You need to accept or decline your financial aid offer in your MyMPTC Account. (Note: You can accept or decline your funds in full or specific portions.) You can also monitor and manage your funds in your MyMPTC Account.

Review the MPTC Financial Aid Guide for 2024-25 (August 2024-July 2025) for critical information regarding your offer.

Watch the video below and learn how to accept your financial aid from your myMPTC account.

If you are a first-time Federal Direct Stafford Loan borrower, you must complete a Master Promissory Note and complete Loan Entrance Counseling before you can receive your funds.

For all student borrowers, it is recommended you complete:

An Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment each year you accept a new federal student loan.

Complete all loan application and eligibility requirements in a timely manner!

Your financial aid will be disbursed (credited) directly into your MyMPTC Account and can be used to pay your tuition, fees and eCampus bookstore charges.

Assuming your application and requirements have all been completed and a financial aid offer accepted, any federal or state grants and loans will be applied to your account on the 15th calendar day of the term/semester (referred to as Census Date). If you have enough awarded aid, you do not need to enroll in a payment plan or make a payment.

If you are a first-time loan borrower there is a 30 day delay on disbursing your aid. Generally speaking, you receive your funds one month after classes start.

MyMPTC Account

Guidelines for Using Financial Aid at eCampus Bookstores

After your tuition, fees and bookstore charges have been paid, any excess funds will be deposited directly into your checking or savings account if you’ve set up those instructions in MaxPay. If direct deposit is not set up, a refund check will be mailed to you. Set Up Direct Deposit (Strongly encouraged!)

Keep in mind, students who receive aid but do not complete all their scheduled classes could be responsible to repay some of the aid they receive.  View more information on our Financial Consequences of Withdrawing or Not Passing Classes page.

Recommended Time to Apply

Priority deadline is June 1st for the upcoming school year.  You can, however, apply as soon as October 1* for the start of the following school year. Though the FAFSA application is available online between Oct. 1 and June 30 of the following year, you want to apply as soon as possible since there are a few federal student aid programs that have limited funds. Admittance into an aid eligible program is required before Moraine Park will begin processing your FAFSA.

Financial Aid Timeline / Important Student Dates / Financial Aid Workshops

For the purpose of awarding financial aid, enrollment verification and degree conferment, any course that starts between the dates indicated below belongs to the semester designated.

Semester  Start Date End Date
Summer Semester June 1 August 14
Fall Semester August 15 December 31
Spring Semester January 1 May 31

Financial Aid FAQ

Direct Loan FAQ

Click here for MPTC CARES Act Student Emergency Funds Information.

Request Info
Accessibility Tools