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529 College Savings Plans

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  9. 529 College Savings Plans

A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged savings plan designed to help pay for education.

Inform your investment group or financial advisor responsible for initiating payments of the tuition due date a few weeks in advance because processing times vary. 529 College Savings plan checks for tuition and books cannot be combined, as the funds go to two different businesses.
  • Some 529 savings plans can be used to make tuition payments online via MaxPay.


  • Request funds from your financial advisor and send confirmation to sfs@morainepark.edu to prevent being dropped for non-payment.
    • Checks should be made payable and mailed to:

      Student Financial Services
      PO Box 1940
      Fond du Lac, WI  54936-1940

(Include student name and student ID number.)

Books purchased through eCampus
  • Make separate check payable to eCampus. Include MPTC, student name, and MPTC student ID number in the memo of the check so that they can properly allocate the funds. Mail checks to:

    A Book Company, LLC dba eCampus.com
    28312 Network Place
    Chicago, IL  60673-1283