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Moraine Park Earns Well Workplace Award

21 Moraine Park employees all dressed in red standing in the shape of a heart.

Moraine Park Technical College has received a Gold Well Workplace Award from the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA), with local affiliate Wellness Council of Wisconsin (WCWI). This award recognizes an organization for its commitment to the health and well-being of its employees.

“Well Workplace Award winners have systematically and deliberately created an environment for employees to work in that is going to help them thrive and flourish as humans. These organizations have taken a whole systems approach by investing in the humanity of their people”, Sara Martin, WELCOA Interim CEO said.

Moraine Park first earned the Well Workplace distinction in 2015 through the Well City Fond du Lac initiative. This subsequent award is a three-year distinction and ranks the College among America’s healthiest companies.

“We are committed to the overall health and wellbeing of our employees; mental, physical, emotional, financial, and environmental,” Lori Schrage, benefits coordinator at Moraine Park, said. “Overall health is far greater than just physical health. The College is continuously looking at ways to grow and adapt to meet our employee’s needs.”

Moraine Park was notified of their award in April, and the current recognition plaques that are on display at each campus will be updated to represent the current award.

The Well Workplace Awards initiative is driven by a rigorous set of criteria outlined in WELCOA’s seven benchmarks to a results-oriented Well Workplace. Since its inception in 1991, over 1,000 organizations, ranging from educational institutions to non-profit and profit sectors, have received the Well Workplace Award.

To learn more about Moraine Park’s employee benefits, visit morainepark.edu/jobs.

May 16th, 2021by Kristina Haensgen