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Advancing Manufacturing at Moraine Park

In celebration of Manufacturing Month this October, learn about how Moraine Park Technical College plans to advance its Manufacturing programs through two proposed projects in the College’s referendum. Residents of Moraine Park’s district will vote on the referendum Nov. 8; authorizing the College to utilize up to $55 million to grow and expand facilities. The updates and improvements would target programs in high demand that impact citizens across the region in the career areas of public safety, health care, robotics/automation, manufacturing and technology.

Advanced Manufacturing and Trades – Fond du Lac

More than 14,000 manufacturing job openings are expected in the Moraine Park region in the next 10 years. As a result, many employers are using robots and automation to design, build and deliver goods. The demand for customized training partnerships has also grown significantly. Moraine Park’s advanced manufacturing and trade spaces are utilized by mechanical design, quality and advanced manufacturing, electromechanical technology programs, and short-term credentials and apprenticeships. As the programs and industry demand have grown, the learning spaces have become too small to effectively address the needs of business and industry partners that utilize Moraine Park.

“The automation, innovation and robotics project at the Moraine Park Fond du Lac Campus is really important when I think about the path that we’re going down,” Andres Gonzales, vice president of human resources at Mercury Marine, said. “How we manufacture today is different than how we manufactured a year ago. Robotics are only going to become more important. We are really partnering and relying on MPTC to help us make sure that we have a strong workforce that is up to date with the latest in technology and knows how to run robotics on the different types of machines that we have.”

The enhancement of Moraine Park’s manufacturing and trades wing on the Fond du Lac Campus will create classrooms and specialized labs to address local workforce shortages and provide enhanced spaces for instruction in software training, programming, product design, manufacturing and robotics. Additionally, this enhancement will support the infrastructure of Fond du Lac’s Automation, Innovation and Robotics (AIR) Center project, funded by the generosity of donors.

Manufacturing, Automation and Robotics Lab – West Bend

Employers in the Moraine Park region are using robots and automation to design, build and deliver goods. However, Moraine Park’s advanced manufacturing and trade spaces at the West Bend Campus are too small and unconnected, creating inefficiencies. Through community conversations, employers and K-12 administrators have asked Moraine Park to expand courses in this area.

The expansion of Moraine Park’s West Bend Campus facilities will add a Manufacturing, Automation and Robotics Lab to support advanced manufacturing, welding, metal fabrication and robotics for apprenticeships, degree programs and job training.

“Moraine Park’s West Bend Campus expansion directly impacts our students and our schools,” Jen Wimmer, superintendent of the West Bend School District, said. “Our students will have an opportunity to earn credits and skills in automation, innovation and robotics. The field of manufacturing has evolved, and this expansion will ensure that our students are learning modern manufacturing skills. It is an experience that can not be replicated in our high school environment.”

The expansion would add seven new manufacturing programs to the West Bend Campus including electromechanical technology, mechanical design, quality advanced manufacturing and fabrication, and apprenticeships as new programs. Additionally, the welding program in Jackson would move to the West Bend Campus, enhancing campus culture among the advanced manufacturing program students. These new programs will help to fill the job growth gap over the next ten years and will offer hands-on training facilities for use by the district high schools.

Learn more about Moraine Park’s referendum at morainepark.edu/future.

October 25th, 2022by Emilie Thielen