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Domestic Violence Awareness

The Prevention Education Committee is dedicated to awareness and education in order to empower individuals to make changes ending violence within our community as a subcommittee of the Coordinated Community Response team of Fond du Lac.  https://www.facebook.com/fdlpec

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Domestic violence occurs when one intimate partner seeks to maintain power and control over the other partner, which may be exhibited as verbal or emotional abuse, intimidation, isolation, economic abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or other abuses. The trauma from these abusive behaviors can have significant impact on survivors and can, ultimately, result in death.

According to the annual Wisconsin Domestic Violence Homicide Report from End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, 811 victims were killed in domestic violence homicides from 2000 through 2019 in Wisconsin, excluding homicides involving legal intervention. In 2019, domestic violence claimed 72 lives, including both victims and perpetrators. Tragically, past domestic violence homicides in Wisconsin have claimed the lives not only of victims, but of their family members, friends, co-workers and law enforcement.

from State of Wisconsin Department of Justice

For help in your community:

MPTC Counseling Services are free and confidential and available to assist you. LEARN MORE HERE

September 29th, 2022by MPTC Communications