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Emergency Alerts

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MPTC Alert System

Register for approved MPTC Alert emergency communications and other important information via email and text. MPTC Alert is a way to communicate with college community members during emergencies and when adverse weather conditions affect normal college operations.

Emergency Preparedness

Moraine Park is prepared to respond to emergencies 24 hours per day, seven days per week. If a major emergency occurs, the President’s Team in collaboration with the Communications and Emergency Response Teams will direct the College’s emergency response.

In the event of an emergency, emergency alerts will be relayed to the Moraine Park campus community as quickly as possible through email, MPTC alert, social networks and the College’s website. Updates and directions will be provided as information becomes available/updated.

Safety Concerns

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 immediately.

If you feel threatened on campus, wish to report suspicious activity, would like an escort between your transportation to campus and your classroom or have other security concerns, please call the Security Officer for your campus:

  • Fond du Lac Campus: (920) 948-2517, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS
  • West Bend Campus: (262) 370-3627, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS
  • Beaver Dam Campus: (920) 948-2318, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS