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Moraine Park IMD Club Attends Chicago Comic Expo

Moraine Park’s West Bend Interactive Media Design (IMD) Club attended the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) in December for students to view and meet artists, attend panels, have fun and learn more about the field.

“Seeing the vendor hall and artists alley was motivational,” Moraine Park IMD student, Brittany Hahn, said. “After leaving the convention, everyone in our club found themselves inspired to get home and get to work on new compositions. As an artist or anyone working within media design, it can sometimes be a struggle to find inspiration or material that piques one’s interest. C2E2 was very refreshing, refilling our hearts and minds with enthusiasm and creativity towards our work.”

The students attended several informational panels surrounding topics such as scriptwriting, portfolio creation, event planning, product promotion, new drawing techniques, programming advice, character designing with clay, career finding, turning hobbies into skills and more.

After attending the convention, Hahn was more motivated than ever to start building her career. When she returned home from C2E2, she took images from a local nail parlor, cleaned them using skills learned in her coursework and sent the images back to the salon. The nail salon immediately asked her to continue doing edits for them.

“This was a great way for me to continue building my portfolio, and something I would not have had the courage to do without attending the convention,” Hahn said. “Had it not been for the IMD Club and Moraine Park, I would not have been able to go. Not only did they cover the cost of the ticket to attend, but also transportation. It was great traveling with like-minded individuals, bonding and having an awesome time at the convention. I am very thankful to have MPTC and the IMD Club, as well as our amazing club overseers and instructors Mr. Ward and Mr. Sibilski.”

Moraine Park’s Interactive Media Design program is a two-year degree program giving students the creative control to produce a variety of unique animations and graphics. Graduates from the program are well-versed in creating animated and live videos, commercials, digital signage and other media for the web. For more information on IMD visit morainepark.edu/academics/programs/interactive-media-design/.

Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo C2E2 Banner Moraine Park Student next to a car

January 3rd, 2022by Emilie Thielen