Moraine Park Technical College held its fall 2022 Manufacturing Skills Academy completion ceremony on Friday, December 9. A total of six students finished the Welding program.
This program was designed to combat the skilled worker shortage by offering a variety of boot camp sessions. The boot camp sessions are free to participants, teach skills that are unique to a particular pathway, and connect students with area employers. The program also combines a 144-hour paid internship with coursework, including Occupational Math, Print Reading, Team Building, Problem Solving, and program-specific courses.
The students who completed the Welding boot camp are Christian Muchka of Fond du Lac, Joe Nault of North Fond du Lac, Nathan Preciado of Fond du Lac, Kaleb Ransom of Fond du Lac, Emmanuel Saucedo of West Bend and Oliver Sterling of Columbus.
Participating internship sites for this session were Wabash, Bradley Corporation and Sam’s Well Drilling.
This year’s graduation speaker was Christian Muchka of Fond du Lac. Muchka completed his internship at Wabash.
Moraine Park has had over 400 participants in the Welding and CNC boot camp programs since its induction in 2012. The bootcamps are free to participating students, thanks to financial support from community resource partners and the Workforce and Training (WAT) grants.
Registrations for the spring 2023 boot camp program are now being accepted. For more information, visit