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Welding Competition

Make Some Sparks

Moraine Park Technical College and the American Welding Society (AWS) invite high school students and welding devotees to the 2024 Welding Competition.

  • Meet & network with welding professionals.
  • See & experience welding hands-on practices.
  • Try out welding under the supervision of professionals.
  • Win a $1,000 scholarship!

Participation in the welding competition is optional. The public is welcome to network, visit facilities and watch the competition.

Two welding students in the workshop.
Two welding students welding in the workshop.
Two welding students welding in the workshop.
Welding student at work in the workshop.
Welding student at work in the workshop.
Two welding students in the workshop.
Two welding students welding in the workshop.
Two welding students welding in the workshop.
Two welding students welding in the workshop.
Welding student at work in the workshop.
Welding student at work in the workshop.
Two welding students in the workshop.

November 13, 2024; 5 to 7:30 p.m.

Fond du Lac Campus, Welding Lab, Room B130

Moraine Park AIR Center
AIR Center

Win a Scholarship

Beginners and professional welders can apply the $1,000 scholarship to welding programs, including:

Registration (only for competition)

Please submit the registration form by November 10th if possible. Participants over 18 are welcome to register at the event. A parent or guardian must accompany underage participants to sign a waiver.

Please submit the signed waiver form before the event starts either online or in person. PPE will be provided.

  • Competitor Information

  • Waiver Form

  • Please download, sign, and upload the waiver form (see button above) to finish the registration process. You can also download, sign, and submit the form at the event in person.
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.


If you require accommodations to fully participate in this event,  please direct your request at least one week in advanced to Becky Kuszynski, Disability Resources Manager at 920-924-3361, bkuszynski@morainepark.edu TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS.


Contact mdavies3@morainepark.edu or 920-924-6371.

Welding Competition
Request Info
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